How to close the global digital divide, and make sure countries can take full advantage of the digital revolution? Hear from leaders in the public and private sectors, economists, policymakers, and activists as they discuss solutions to help countries achieve their development goals.

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Upcoming events

Youth Summit 2025: Youth-Led Innovation for a Livable Planet

Join the 2025 World Bank Youth Summit on May 19-20! Connect with young changemakers, explore innovative solutions, and shape the future.

Past Events

Global Digital Summit 2025 – Digital Pathways for All

Watch the replay to see how digital transformation is reshaping jobs, education, finance, health, agriculture, cities, and more!

Helping Countries Invest in Their Futures: IDA21 Final Replenishment Meeting

Watch the opening and closing session of the final IDA21 Replenishment Meeting and learn how the International Development Association helps countries invest in their futures.

Youth Summit 2024: Powering Progress

Young changemakers from around the world gather at the Youth Summit to advance progress and co-create a more inclusive world on a livable planet

Global Digital Summit

Watch our first-ever Digital Summit as we explore the power of digital technologies in uplifting societies and economies with top executives from leading tech firms, global organizations and key influencers.

More Jobs through Investing in Human Capital

Watch a panel of experts laying out their vision for a future rich in jobs, where more people can reach their potential. Strong human capital—investing in health, education, and skills training—is crucial for creating jobs.

Building Foundations for an Inclusive Digital Future

Join us as we discuss the essential foundations for expanding digital economies and how to catalyze actions and investments for an inclusive digital future.

Inclusive Digital Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean

How can Latin America and the Caribbean boost growth, productivity, and social inclusion through digitalization? 

Working Without Borders: The Promise and Peril of Online Gig Work

Join us for the launch of a new World Bank report on “Working Without Borders: The promise and peril of online gig work” and learn how countries can leverage the promise of online gig platforms to provide income-earning opportunities for youth, women and other disadvantaged groups.

Governance in the Digital Era

How can digital technologies help governments deliver faster and more efficiently? The GovTech Forum aims to promote GovTech policy thinking and practical implementation, engaging the broad ecosystem of GovTech stakeholders from governments to the private sector, academia, and civil society and build a GovTech ecosystem for innovation and greener public sectors.

Driving Revolutionary Ideas into Practice

The World Bank is gearing up for its Development Impact Week which will mark the launch of its flagship report "Driving Revolutionary Ideas into Practice". Join us on day 1 of our five-day event, where Economics Nobel Laureate Esther Duflo, World Bank Chief Economist Indermit Gill, and World Bank Director for Development Impact Arianna Legovini will showcase the latest results on how data, evidence and new technologies can dramatically increase the impact of development finance - notably when it comes to infrastructure for climate change, economic inclusion, human development and better governance. The increased frequency and severity of financial and environmental risks, food crises, pandemics and conflicts call for an evolved approach to international development. Technological progress can help the development community address these global threats to peace and prosperity by leveraging real-time information and policy feedback. The panelists will engage in an interactive discussion highlighting how this new approach to development can lead to a transformational impact on the ability of governments to function, shape policies, and better serve their citizens.

Fintech and the Future of Finance: Market and Policy Implications

The financial services industry is undergoing a technological transformation, ushering in a new era of financial products, business models, markets, and even money. How can the industry and policymakers foster responsible innovation to improve financial inclusion and efficiency, while mitigating new risks?

World Bank Data Privacy Day 2023

In this fourth annual Data Privacy Day event organized by the World Bank, seasoned data protection and privacy leaders and experts deep-dive into the latest trends and offer insights into how the development institutions, governments, and the private sector can play a critical role in addressing privacy risks.

Catalyzing the Green Digital Transformation

Challenges and opportunities for low- and middle-income countries to reduce digital sector emissions and harness technologies for adaptation and mitigation.

The Digital Revolution

Watch a global conversation about the digital revolution highlighted innovative ways countries are using digital technologies. From digital financial services, to remote schooling, to more inclusive government services, digital solutions are accelerating more equitable and resilient growth. We heard from public and private sector leaders from around the globe about how safe and effective digital technology has become essential to development in the digital age.

World Bank Group Data Privacy Day 2022

Data Privacy is more relevant now than ever and has become central to how an organization can maintain trust and safeguard the data they collect or process. The World Bank Group Data Privacy Day is the flagship event to help raise privacy awareness—internally within the World Bank Group and externally—to promote data protection best practices and maintain trust in the institution. 

Harnessing Technology to Build Human Capital in South Asia

Our 7th #OneSouthAsia Conversation will focus on these potentials and challenges of leveraging technologies to build human capital and help South Asia manage risks and shocks: how can it overcome regional barriers, promote cross-country collaboration to support recovery from COVID and other shocks, and build human capital and adaptable resilience in the region.

The Case for Designing Inclusive Platforms in Emerging Markets

The rapid digital transformation underway in many emerging markets has the potential to have an equally transformative impact for entrepreneurs. However, critical gaps in access to the internet and mobile phones can limit the ability to work in tech-enabled jobs or to compete as entrepreneurs. This event draws on recent IFC research on the rise of e-commerce in Africa and Southeast Asia and opportunities for further growth by exploring more inclusive practices. It will cover two key topics: E-commerce for development, highlighting how this rapidly growing sector opens a pathway for digital entrepreneurs in Africa and South East Asia; E-commerce and gender equality, highlighting new research from IFC that leverages company data to show for the first time how women are participating on e-commerce platforms - and how companies can add billions of dollars to regional market value by investing in women entrepreneurs. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from IFC’s Managing Director, Makhtar Diop, Lazada’s Group ...

Digital Payments & the Future of the Middle East & North Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic has offered a dramatic test case for the effectiveness of digital solutions across the Middle East and North Africa region, from the Ocean to the Gulf. Together with universal and affordable broadband, the widespread availability of cashless payments is a key enabler for digital transformation and a driver for economic recovery. The objective of this webinar, organized in partnership with the Arab Monetary Fund, is to increase awareness of how digital payments can support job creation, enhanced service delivery, and inclusion of youth and women. This webinar is the second of the MENA Tech talk series, which aims to engage with high-level decision makers, policymakers, regulators, private sector business leaders, and influencers, to share a vision and strategies to successfully foster digital transformation in the region. The event will be livestreamed and will offer simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, English, and French. It will include a panel discussion and testimonials from civil society organizations and the private sector, ...

The State of the Africa Region

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital technologies in African countries, and the latest Africa’s Pulse provides new evidence on how digital is enhancing the productivity of existing jobs and creating new jobs, for people of all skill levels and backgrounds. This is particularly important as the region looks toward economic recovery post-pandemic, and many Sub-Saharan African countries are making tremendous investments to advance digital adoption and build skills. Against the backdrop of a COVID-19 induced recession, African countries are weathering the economic storm better than expected and are poised for recovery, but the strength of this recovery depends on the reforms, policies, and investments that countries make now.   Hosted by Georja Calvin-Smith of France 24, join a panel of Africa’s distinguished ministers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the digital space to discuss the future of work in Africa. They will touch on how governments can support digital transformation, discuss the macroeconomic outlook for the region and how ...

Digital Agriculture

Tune in to Digital Agriculture: New Frontiers for the Food System, a dynamic event with food tech innovators and leaders from the private and public sector who will explore the transformational potential of digital agriculture to feed the world in a way that delivers healthier people, healthier economies and a healthier planet.

SDGs - The Data Story

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened awareness of the need for better data to inform response and recovery efforts, leveraging the complementarity of public and private sources. Following the recent launch of the World Bank’s SDG Atlas, this event will convene partners to discuss how we can improve data literacy, and call attention to the urgent need to address data gaps especially in the developing world as we work to get the Sustainable Development Goals back on track as part of a resilient recovery. The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured. Where data is available, it also highlights the emerging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SDGs. In this World Bank Live event, we will introduce the the Atlas of the SDGs 2020 and discuss with data partners the role of data ...

World Bank Group Data Privacy Day 2021

Data Privacy is more relevant now than ever and has become central to how an organization can maintain trust and safeguard the data they collect or process. The World Bank Group Data Privacy Day is the flagship event to help raise privacy awareness—internally within the World Bank Group and externally—to promote data protection best practices and maintain trust in the institution. 

Europe 4.0: Addressing the Digital Dilemma

Join the World Bank for the launch of its latest flagship report - Europe 4.0: Addressing the Digital Dilemma. In an event co-hosted with DIGITALEUROPE, we look at how new digital technologies can help Europe achieve its triple objective of competitiveness, market inclusion and geographic convergence. Special guest speakers from the World Bank, the European Commission and industry will share their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing Europe in the digital arena. The keynote speeches will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session. Report: Europe 4.0: Addressing Europe's Digital Dilemma     Running Order Introduction and opening remarks Gallina A. Vincelette, Director for EU Countries, World Bank Europe 4.0 Presentation Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Senior Economic Adviser, World Bank Panel session: Andreas Tegge, Head of Global Government Relations, SAP Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE Elisabeth Gruber, Director for the Department of International Institutions at the Austrian Ministry of Finance Peteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit for Digital Innovation and Blockchain, DG CNECT, European Commission ...

Closing the Digital Divide

Digital technologies have become vital. In times of crisis, from natural disasters to pandemics, digital connectivity is what is keeping people, governments and businesses connected. Yet half of the world’s population is still without internet access, with the vast majority concentrated in developing countries. "Closing the Digital Divide" brought together global leaders and private sector innovators, including young African entrepreneurs, to discuss new ways to accelerate digital access and create ubiquitous, affordable, and reliable connectivity for all. To connect the poorest and most vulnerable communities, panelists echoed the need for greater collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as the need for open access and shared networks. Regulation challenges also emerged as a common theme. We heard a powerful call to action on behalf of women and girls, who are still being left out of the fastest-growing and highest-paying jobs in the tech revolution. Panelists emphasized education and training as key to leveling the playing field. We ...

Coronavirus Live Series: Bridging the Digital Divide

The internet has been vital in connecting us to friends, family, work and school during #COVID19, but the poorest countries and people are being left behind. What can we do to support digital inclusion? Our @BoutheinaGuerm1, Director of Digital Development, shares some ideas. 

We-Fi West Africa Regional Summit

The first Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) West Africa Regional Summit will bring together heads of state, leaders of multilateral development banks, key We-Fi government representatives, private sector executives, and women entrepreneurs to discuss ways to expand opportunities for women-led small and medium-sized enterprises in West Africa. With a focus on the role of technology in supporting agribusiness and other high-growth industries, the Summit aims to galvanize high-level support for public policy reforms and private sector actions to promote women’s entrepreneurship in the region. The Summit is hosted by His Excellency Mr. Alassane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, and organized by We-Fi in collaboration with the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, and the Islamic Development Bank. The recording above shows the Fireside Chat with Kristalina Georgieva and Ivanka Trump, followed by a Women Entrepreneurs Panel. For the full replay of the event, please see below.

Mission Billion: Transforming Countries and Empowering People through Digital Identity

Mission Billion: Innovation for trusted, inclusive digital identity The World Bank Group’s Identification for Development (ID4D) Initiative held an event that explored how the opportunities of ‘Good’ digital ID systems – those that are robust, inclusive and trusted – can be seized to expand access to services, accelerate financial inclusion, and boost the digital economy. Speakers included H.M. Queen Màxima of the Netherlands, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), Kristalina Georgieva, CEO of the World Bank, Hassan Ali Khayre, Prime Minister of Somalia, Paula Ingabire, Rwanda Minister of ICT & Innovation, Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Niale Kaba, Côte d'Ivoire, Minister of Planning and Development and Makhtar Diop, Vice President for Infrastructure, World Bank. The panel discussion was followed by final pitches for the Mission Billion innovation challenge, which sought to crowdsource ideas to promote privacy-by-design. The winner was Simprints, for its open source toolkit that uses audio messages ...

All Africa Digital Economy Moonshot

Digital innovation is creating unprecedented opportunities for Africa to grow its economy, create jobs, and transform people’s lives. With the aim to digitally connect every individual, business and government in Africa by 2030, the African Union, with the support of the World Bank Group, has embarked on an ambitious journey—a “moonshot” that will help countries accelerate progress, bring high-speed connectivity to all, and lay the foundations for a vibrant digital economy. This April, African leaders and influencers will come together to discuss practical ways of bringing the moonshot vision to life and building an inclusive digital future all across the continent. Watch live, share your ideas, and be part of the conversation!

Capital Market Development and the FinTech Revolution

Capital Market Development and the FinTech Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges As follow up to the Bali Fintech Agenda, a flagship event of the 2019 Spring Meetings on Thursday, April 11 brought together a panel of fintech experts for a lively conversation on the wide-ranging opportunities and challenges of technological innovation in the capital markets, along with important legal, regulatory and competitive considerations. Shaolin Yang, Managing Director and CAO of the World Bank Group set the scene by highlighting the Bank’s issuance of “Bond-i”—the world’s first legally binding bond operated on a global blockchain platform throughout its life cycle—which enables the Bank to learn firsthand how blockchain can change financial markets and be embraced for development. In introducing the panelists, moderator Tomicah Tillemann, Director of the Blockchain Trust Accelerator at New America, described them as the “dream team of fintech.” Fintech holds huge potential to transform finance and capital markets for the better. The discussion provided insights for policy ...

Digital Technologies and New Thinking about Inclusive Development

The rapid development of digital technologies around the world has both been an opportunity and a challenge for developing countries. While digital technologies have grown by leaps and bounds, the broader development benefits from using these technologies have lagged. Keynote speaker Joseph Stiglitz and a high-level panel will focus on the potential impact of technology adoption on productivity, growth, jobs, and inclusion. Panelists will also talk about the technology divide between the developing and developed world, the digital trends that are most promising for inclusive development, and those that threaten progress. They will address the role of governments and multilateral organizations in the era of rapid advances in digital technology.

Data Privacy & Open Data: Getting to Coexistence?

Join global experts Jeni Tennison, CEO of the Open Data Institute, and Gus Hosein, Executive Director of Privacy International for a discussion about whether and how responsible data protection and open data can co-exist, and what this might mean for global development. Are they mutually exclusive?  Or do they exist on a continuum?  How can we respect privacy norms while remaining committed to opening development data as a global public good?  

Disrupting Development: Digital Platforms and Innovation

Watch Live in Bahasa Indonesia! Online platforms are quickly transforming the way we conduct business, shop for everyday products, look for a job, catch up with friends, or access public services. The shift is global, and is having a profound impact on people and the economy. E-commerce is poised to become a $6-trillion market by 2021. More than 1/5 of the world’s population has an account on at least one social network. And many governments now have websites that allow individuals to file their taxes or register a company. This could be a game changer for developing countries. The expansion of digital platforms can spur economic growth through the emergence of entirely new business models, promote meaningful interaction between governments and citizens, and provide innovative solutions to complex development challenges. So how can me make the most of these opportunities? And how can countries create the right conditions to support effective, secure, and inclusive digital platforms? Join our distinguished lineup of ...

The Bali Fintech Agenda, Joint Seminar of the IMF and the World Bank Group

Rapid advances in financial technology – fintech –  are transforming the global economic and financial landscape. Fintech can support growth and poverty reduction by strengthening financial development, inclusion and efficiency, but may also pose risk to financial stability and integrity as well asconsumer and investor protection.  In response to calls from member countries, the IMF and World Bank Group have developed the “Bali Fintech Agenda” as a blueprint for policymakers and the international community.            Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, and Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank Group, presented the Agenda in a panel discussion, where they were joined by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, minister of finance of Indonesia and chair of the Development Committee, Lesetja Kganyago, governor of the South African Reserve Bank and chair of the IMFC, and Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England and chair of the Financial Stability Board. President of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delivered the opening remarks. Reflecting on the origins of ...

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Kersti Kaljulaid

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Kersti Kaljulaid, President of Estonia, about the country’s advances in health and innovation.

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Roya Mahboob

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Roya Mahboob, CEO, Digital Citizen Fund​. She is among the first IT female CEOs in Afghanistan and now lives in New York. She continues to help young Afghan women build digital literacy. In 2013, Roya Mahboob was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People In The World for her work.

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Oyindamola Honey Ogundeyi

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Oyindamola Honey Ogundeyi, Founder,, Nigeria, about how online platforms are empowering women in Africa. 

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Tony Elumelu

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Tony Elumelu, /*-->*/ Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation, to discuss the digital economy in Africa. 

Digital Economy for Africa

World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim led a fire-side conversation with LinkedIn Chief Executive Officer Jeff Weiner and investor and philanthropist Tony Elumelu, Founder of Tony Elumelu Foundation, as part of the Digital Economy for Africa event, during the Spring Meetings.    During the discussion, Weiner stressed the role of technology in developing countries, and shared how LinkedIn’s emphasis on data is getting influencers ahead of the trends in the 3 billion people global work force. He also added how the platform seeks to have a digital representation of every job, with over 20 million jobs already covered. Sharing his perspective on barriers for African entrepreneurs in digital technology, Elumelu revealed that Africa’s young population, 60% of which are under the age of 30, have to be the key resource for entrepreneurship. Elumelu highlighted infrastructure, government policies and regulation, intellectual property and the need for incentives for investors as the key areas to address. Weiner noted the World Bank Group’s partnership ...

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices Interview Series: Opening Show

Watch the replay! Talking about global development can be fun – and informative!  Join us on Facebook Tuesday, April 17, for a one-hour live show exploring the power of technology to solve problems, some of the reasons behind the gender divide, and why 2050 isn’t that far away when you’re talking about climate change.   Our World Bank Live show will be filled with creative and inspiring content including the educational, data-oriented Geek Out with Tariq. Guests Speakers:Shomik Mehndiratta, Practice Manager, Transport and Digital Development Rita Ramalho, Senior Manager, Development Economics Marianne Fay, Chief Economist, Sustainable Development Network Featuring:Tariq Khokhar, Senior Data Scientist Hosted by:Pabsy Pabalan Mariano, Digital Engagement Officer Andy Shuai Liu, Online Communications Officer

Technology and Civic Engagement: New Approaches

Civic participation is key to achieving results in development, and the World Bank considers inclusive citizen engagement and institutions to be core tenets of its work. This event, which brings together innovators from civil society and government, will explore the potential use of frontier technologies in citizen engagement and social inclusion to ultimately improve policy-making and service delivery.

Digital Economy for Development

Several leading technology trailblazers came together to discuss how digital technology is disrupting development and what could be done to level the playing field and harness its benefits. World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia discussed how their two organizations could together help grow the inclusive sustainable tourism sector and help entrepreneurs in developing countries gain more income while acquiring new skills. Gebbia discussed the company’s beginnings and highlighted the importance of designing solutions with the end user in mind. He attributed Airbnb’s success to the effort made to understand their customer’s concerns in the initial phase of their growth. The 10-year-old company now has four million listings in 191 countries around the world. They are expanding their model, and recently launched the Open Homes initiative, to help provide shelter to refugees and those affected by natural disasters. They were followed by brief remarks by Philippe Le Houerou, CEO, IFC, on scaling up ...

The Crowd & The Cloud: Citizen Science in the Digital Age

The Crowd & The Cloud is a 4-part mini-series on “Citizen Science in the Digital Age.” Funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), it is hosted by former NASA Chief Scientist, Waleed Abdalati, and written and produced by Geoff Haines-Stiles, who was a Senior Producer and series director on Carl Sagan’s classic COSMOS series, now viewed by more than 800 million people worldwide.  The series looks at the rapidly growing field of “citizen science” and crowdsourcing with case studies of citizen science projects in the United States and internationally. Join this discussion and clip screening hosted by the series writer and producer Geoff Haines-Stiles.

Identification for Development: Harnessing the Power of Digital Solutions

One-and-a-half billion people around the world can’t prove who they are. Without an ID, they face barriers doing everyday tasks such as opening a bank account, accessing social benefits, and getting health insurance. New technologies can help countries build robust and inclusive identification systems. Join the World Bank’s Chief Economist and panelists from governments and the private sector as they discuss how countries have developed identification systems to enable a range of key development outcomes.

Digital Dividends for East Asia Pacific - Faster Growth, More Jobs and Better Governance?

East Asia Pacific is home to the world’s largest and fastest growing internet user base. Digital technologies are transforming how firms conduct business, workers perform jobs, and citizens interact with governments. Yet, there are still questions as to what the spread of these technologies means for the development trajectory of countries in the region and their abilities to address the challenges they face. Panelists from government, business and civil society in the region will discuss how East Asia and Pacific countries can take advantage of the opportunities – and offset the risks – of the digital economy.

World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends

Digital technologies have boosted growth, expanded opportunities, and improved service delivery. Yet their development benefits have fallen short and are unevenly distributed. For digital technologies to benefit everyone everywhere requires closing the remaining digital divide, especially in internet access. But to get the most out of the digital revolution, countries also need to work on strengthening regulations that ensure competition among businesses, adapting workers’ skills to the demands of the new economy, and ensuring that institutions are accountable.

Big Data for a More Resilient Future

In today’s digital world, data is being generated, stored and analyzed at unprecedented rates. This deluge of data has prompted decision makers to consider how Big Data can help solve their toughest challenges. With decreased costs of computing and storage and increased capabilities to analyze large sets of data, we are seeing a rise in Big Data and Internet of Things technologies being used across a variety of sectors, with striking implications for development and building more resilient societies. This event will explore the potential of Big Data and Internet of Things technologies to solve development challenges related to risk and resilience. The event will feature a hands-on exhibit with nano-satellites, data visualizations and projects utilizing IoT devices such as satellites and drones.

Making Everyone Count: Identification for Development

This livestreamed discussion will share perspectives on why civil registries and national identification systems are smart public investments. 

A Decade of Development: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Research in Sub-Saharan Africa

Co-sponsored by the Constituency for Africa, this Ronald H. Brown African Affairs Series event is an opportunity to discuss the state of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) research in Africa and the challenges governments face in providing young people with a STEM education. Participants, including government ministers and business and think tank representatives, will outline the gaps in STEM research, the need for increased action and investment and will discuss ideas for building STEM capacity in Africa. During the event, the World Bank will launch a new report A Decade of Development: STEM Research in Sub-Saharan Africa. The report analyzes Africa’s current performance in STEM research as well as future trends. 

About World Bank Live

Since 2011, the World Bank Live platform has been a hub for high-level conversations on international development. Hosting over 650 events in English, with more than 200 also available in FrenchSpanish, and/or Arabic, it serves as a gateway to both upcoming and past events. The platform aims to help spark innovative ideas and translate them into actionable solutions, with a focus on ending poverty and boosting prosperity on a livable planet. Each event delves into critical economic issues aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with topics ranging from healthcare and pandemic preparedness to climate action and building sustainable communities. Read more >