Social protection systems help people cope with crises and shocks, find jobs, invest in the health and education of their children, and protect the aging population. Listen to leaders from the public and private sectors, economists, policymakers, and activists as they look for solutions to help countries achieve their development goals. 

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Past Events

More Jobs through Investing in Human Capital

Watch a panel of experts laying out their vision for a future rich in jobs, where more people can reach their potential. Strong human capital—investing in health, education, and skills training—is crucial for creating jobs.

Global Forum on Adaptive Social Protection

The closing session will explore potential solutions to these challenges and will also summarize key discussions and outcomes from the previous sessions.

Protecting Human Capital Amidst a Global Food Crisis

This event will highlight key takeaways from the closed-door Human Capital Ministerial Conclave with focus on how countries can invest in social protection, productive inclusion, and nutrition-sensitive policies to not only avert setbacks to human capital but also to strengthen these critical outcomes for long term growth and productivity.

The State of the Africa Region

The event will provide an opportunity to review the macro-economic situation in the Africa region, given the recent fluctuations in commodity and food prices, and focus on social protection strategies that can help build resilience in African economies and create jobs, as they recover from multiple shocks in current troubled times. 

Human Capital at the Crossroads

Putting people first through investing in human capital – the knowledge, skills, and health that people need to achieve their potential – is critical for sustainable, inclusive growth and poverty reduction.

Targeting Social Protection: How to Reach Those in Need

A new World Bank publication, “Revisiting Targeting in Social Assistance: A New Look at Old Dilemmas,” aims to refresh and update the current discussions about the benefits and costs of social protection targeting as well as pros and cons of various targeting methods. It also sheds light on the valuable role of targeted social protection interventions in helping achieve Universal Social Protection. Join us for the live launch of this report.

COVID-19 and Rising Inequality

Join World Bank Managing Director Mari Pangestu and a distinguished panel of experts as they discuss the latest findings on inequality from the January 2022 Global Economic Prospects report, and implications for countries and the global community.

Ensuring the Poorest Are Not Left Behind

Join us for a discussion on solutions from the ground—and how IDA, the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries, is driving innovation and outcomes.

Annual Meetings 2021: Civil Society Townhall

In the first virtual Civil Society Townhall held on October 12, World Bank Group President David Malpass discussed he Bank’s efforts to protect human capital, address countries’ excessive debt burdens, and facilitate an inclusive, resilient recovery from COVID-19.

The Impact of the Pandemic on Economic Inclusion

COVID-19 has been called the "Inequality Pandemic", meaning that existing gaps have been exacerbated by the crisis. Now more than ever there is a need for inclusive economic development. But just what does that mean, and how do we go about achieving it?  Join us Wednesday, January 27th at 9am as we discuss some of these questions with Colin Andrews, Program Manager with the Social Protection & Jobs Global Practice at the World Bank. Meanwhile... Download the report The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2021: The Potential to Scale Watch the previous episode of the Resilient Recovery Series: Re-Imagining Post-Pandemic Education The Resilient Recovery Series includes in-depth interviews with the Bank’s leading experts focused on health, social, and economic responses, as well as policies, institutions, and investments that will be critical to resilient, inclusive, and sustainable recovery. Check out the previous episodes!         View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by World Bank (@worldbank)

End Poverty Day 2020

The poor are suffering disproportionately, and Pakistan is expanding social protection programs to help them, said Dr. Sania Nishtar, that country’s Federal Minister, Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Ministry. A diverse group of speakers from countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, the United Kingdom, and Yemen shared their views on how to urgently tackle COVID-19, conflict, and climate change to halt this reversal of fortunes.

Civil Society Townhall with President David Malpass

How is the World Bank Group focusing on resilient recovery in the post-pandemic era? In the first virtual Civil Society Townhall held on October 13, World Bank Group President David Malpass discussed the Bank’s efforts to protect human capital, address countries’ excessive debt burdens, and facilitate an inclusive, resilient recovery from COVID-19.

Expert Panel: Informality of COVID-19 in South Asia

Among the world’s developing regions, South Asia has the highest share of informal employment. More than 80 percent of workers in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan are informal. These workers are excluded from labor laws and social protection schemes that apply to organized labor and the specific risks associated with COVID-19 exacerbate their situation. Informal workers are particularly vulnerable to shocks as they tend to have less cash on hand and more limited access to credit. They are also more likely to lose their jobs and face extreme poverty and food insecurity as the pandemic intensifies across the region. This webinar brings together academics, policy advisors, health policy experts, and civil society leaders to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on South Asia’s most vulnerable people.

Pivoting to Inclusion: Leveraging Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis for Learners with Disabilities

The world is faced with a global education emergency of unprecedented scale. According to estimates by the World Bank, the COVID-19 pandemic, at its peak, caused more than 180 countries to mandate temporary school closures, leaving 85 percent of the world’s learners out of school. Children with disabilities and their families, especially those living in poverty, face significant multiple vulnerabilities during this pandemic, including education, health, and social protection. The World Bank's Inclusive Education Iniative (IEI) invites you to participate in a Gloal Seminar to discuss our latest Issues Paper, 'Pivoting to Inclusion: Leveraging Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis for Learners with Disabilities.' The live event will feature experts and thought leaders who will provide reflections on the paper, based on their unique perspectives on education, remote learning, and social inclusion and protection.

Beyond Now: Protecting People through Innovation and Good Policy in the COVID Era

In this 90-minute session, government leaders, NGO partners, and innovators will deliver a series of stimulating talks. Drawing on their unique experiences, they will showcase examples of policy actions and both public and private sector-led responses—across education, health, food security, digital connectivity, and social protection. World Bank Managing Director, Mari Pangestu will kick off this event and share key findings from the recently published report, Protecting People and Economies: Integrated Policy Responses to COVID-19. Related links: Report: Protecting People and Economies: Integrated Policy Responses to COVID-19 Website: Human Capital Project

The Locust Crisis: Protecting Food Supplies and Livelihoods for Millions

Locust swarms are ravaging crops and pastureland, destroying food and vegetation and jeopardizing food security across Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of South Asia. Without action, the locust population could grow 400 times larger by June 2020 and spread to new areas, disrupting food supply, upending livelihoods and requiring substantial resources to address. The World Bank estimates that in Africa alone, more than 90 million hectares of cropland and pasture are at risk and damages and losses could amount to as much as US$9 billion in coming years.  Join us as we discuss this important issue with two World Bank staff: Melissa Williams, Senior Rural Development Specialist & Afrah Alawi Al-Ahmadi, Senior Social Protection Specialist. Ask your questions now!  Related Links:  Locust Crisis World Bank Response Blog: The Locust Plague: Fighting a Crisis within a Crisis Website: Food Security at the World Bank Group  

How Can We Sustain Jobs and Provide a Safety Net for Those Most in Need?

What role can cash transfers and other forms of social protection schemes play in the pandemic response? And how can we help businesses and sustain employment? We'll be asking Michal Rutkowski, the World Bank's Global Director of Social Protection and Jobs. Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page

Working in Fragile, Conflict and Violence (FCV) settings

Welcome to Behind the Mission, the World Bank Group’s new series on LinkedIn where we discuss current career opportunities and hear from staff about their experiences. The Bank aims to scale up its presence in Fragile, Conflict and Violence (FCV) settings, filling over 100 positions this year. We went live with Geremie Sawadogo, Recruitment Manager from Human Resources at the World Bank Group, and Rebekka Grunn, Senior Economist for Social Protection and Labor in Africa at the World Bank. They answered  questions about these job openings and told us what it’s like to work in FCV settings. Please follow this link to learn more about our recruitment campaign to support countries facing Fragility, Conflict and Violence:

Civil Society Townhall 2019

Join World Bank Group President David Malpass as he engages with representatives of Civil Society Organizations from around the world in an interactive townhall event. He will discuss with civil society a wide range of development topics that highlight the Bank’s work to reduce poverty, boost shared prosperity, secure financial stability, and promote sustainable economic growth.  

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with William L. Swing

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the Replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with William L. Swing, Director General of the International Organization for Migration, to discuss how to encourage actions on migration at the global level and urban displacement. 

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview w/ Kristalina Georgieva & Philippe H. Le Houerou

This is a Facebook Live interview. As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Kristalina Georgieva, CEO of the World Bank, and Philippe H. Le Houerou, CEO of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to reflect on the 2018 spring meetings and collaboration with civil society organizations. Watch the replay!

Civil Society Townhall 2017

The Civil Society Town Hall with Jim Yong Kim and Christine Lagarde, the flagship event of the Civil Society Policy Forum, took place on Wednesday, October 11 from 5:30 – 6:30pm. Abdel-Rahman El Mahdi, founder and President of the Sudanese Development Initiative, moderated the event. The Town Hall was held in the Preston Auditorium to accommodate the increasing number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that attend the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings, which is indicative of the increasing engagement between the Bank and CSOs. Around 350 CSOs attended in person, with more viewing the event via livestream in English, Spanish, and French. More than 200 people engaged in those three languages on social media during the livestream.   Each year at the Annual Meetings, the Civil Society Town Hall provides an opportunity for President Kim and Managing Director Lagarde to discuss common areas of interest with members of civil society. The event on Wednesday kicked off with questions on the role of civil society in ...

Civil Society Townhall 2016

Join World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde as they engage with representatives from Global Civil Society Organizations in an interactive townhall event. The heads of the two institutions will discuss with civil society a wide range of development topics that highlight efforts to reduce poverty, boost shared prosperity, secure financial stability, and promote high employment and sustainable economic growth around the world.

About World Bank Live

Since 2011, the World Bank Live platform has been a hub for high-level conversations on international development. Hosting over 650 events in English, with more than 200 also available in French, Spanish, and/or Arabic, it serves as a gateway to both upcoming and past events. The platform aims to help spark innovative ideas and translate them into actionable solutions, with a focus on ending poverty and boosting prosperity on a livable planet. Each event delves into critical economic issues aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with topics ranging from healthcare and pandemic preparedness to climate action and building sustainable communities. Read more >