This page brings a diverse range of events dedicated to topics related to human capital and development. Whether you're interested in enhancing knowledge, building skills, improving health, or fostering inclusive societies, our live-streamed events offer valuable insights and opportunities for engagement. Join us to explore how investing in nutrition, health care, quality education, and job skills can end extreme poverty and create more inclusive communities.

What is the definition of human capital in development economics?
Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their potential as productive members of society. Investing in people through nutrition, health care, quality education, jobs and skills helps develop human capital, and this is key to ending extreme poverty, building more inclusive societies, and creating a peaceful sustainable world.

Why are country investments in human capital important?
Investing in human capital means equipping people with the education, health, knowledge, and skills they need to reach their full potential on a livable planet. 

How can governments prioritize investments in health and quality education so that people can take on the jobs of today, and create employment opportunities of the future? The changing nature of work brings risks and opportunities.  Investing in people’s skills, technical and vocational training, knowledge, and wellbeing can create an agile workforce that can adapt to global shifts like technological transformation, artificial intelligence (AI), and climate change. Unless they strengthen their human capital, countries cannot achieve sustained, inclusive economic growth. A country’s workforce may not be prepared for the more highly skilled jobs of the future, and they will not compete effectively in the global economy.

Education financing and health financing can pay dividends
Investments in health, maternal health, nutrition, early childhood education, foundational learning, and pandemic preparedness can pay dividends in the future. 

Strong human capital endowments are often passed across generations and reduce inequality. Making smart investments in a nation’s human capital provides benefits that empower more people – particularly women and girls – to reach their full potential. 

What is the World Bank Group doing to strengthen human capital outcomes?
Human capital is at the center of the World Bank’s global strategy for development. The Human Capital Project is a global effort to accelerate more and better investments in people for greater equity and economic growth and a world where all children can achieve their full potential.

The Human Capital Index (HCI) quantifies the contribution of health and education to the productivity of the next generation of workers. Within countries, measuring progress of education and health outcomes sheds light on what works inform governments on where to target resources to address global challenges.

The World Bank, MIGA, IFC, and IDA provide evidence-driven policy advice in health, education, and social protection to help countries recover from overlapping crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and pave the way for today’s children to surpass the human capital achievements and quality of life of the generations that preceded them.

Engage with experts during livestreamed events
Our live events offer a unique opportunity to interact directly with economists, entrepreneurs, private sector partners, and practitioners who are at the forefront of shaping policies and practices to improve human capital outcomes. Hear from government ministers who have prioritized smart investments in people and improved country outcomes as a result. World Bank economists and experts who specialize in health, education, jobs, social protection, and gender will provide insights. 

Find More Resources
Learn more about the Human Capital Project, the Human Capital Index, and how the World Bank Group is Investing in People.

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Past Events

IDA21 Meeting: Building Resilience in South Asia

Tune in to hear from leaders and changemakers at the third IDA21 Replenishment Meeting in Kathmandu, Nepal.

IDA for Africa Heads of State Summit

On April 29, 2024, African governments, civil society, and youth came together to voice their ambitions and call for even greater support from IDA, to translate visions into action on the continent.

Transforming Challenge into Action: Expanding Health Coverage for All

How can we help ensure that more people across the world have greater access to high quality and affordable health care?

Engaging Women as Leaders to End Poverty on a Livable Planet

Join us at the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women as we discuss how to engage women as leaders to end poverty on a livable planet.

Women, Business and the Law 2024

On March 5, 2024, the World Bank Group launched the Women, Business and the Law 2024 report: "Breaking Down Barriers to Achieve Gender Equality." The report finds that women enjoy only two-thirds of the legal rights that men do and that the gender gap is wider than laws on the books might suggest due to insufficient legal implementation.

More Jobs through Investing in Human Capital

Watch a panel of experts laying out their vision for a future rich in jobs, where more people can reach their potential. Strong human capital—investing in health, education, and skills training—is crucial for creating jobs.

Global Forum on Adaptive Social Protection

The closing session will explore potential solutions to these challenges and will also summarize key discussions and outcomes from the previous sessions.

Investing in Human Capital to Accelerate the Green Transition

Investing in human capital creates healthy and well-educated populations – education being the greatest predicator of climate-friendly behavior.

Empowering Women as Entrepreneurs and Leaders

Join our high-level speakers to discuss how to advance the business case for gender inclusion and equality.

Accelerating Development in an Age of Global Crisis

Join a prestigious panel of speakers to explore central questions around what it will take to address some of the most critical issues of our time including climate change, food insecurity, pandemics, and increasing fragility and poverty reduction. 

Women’s Leadership and Collective Action

Headlined by the Honorable Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Nobel Laureate and former President of Liberia, this hour-long panel discussion will feature women leaders from across the globe and across generations to reflect on the importance of accelerating gender equality and empowerment; explore the power of collective action to accelerate change; and discuss how the private sector, philanthropic, and community leaders can play the role of changemakers and, together, accelerate equality. 

How COVID-19 Eroded Human Capital and What to Do About It

This event explores the specific impacts of COVID on individuals in each life stage, the related risks to their futures, and policy options countries can consider to help address the challenges.

Harnessing Education for Effective Climate Action

Education systems around the world face significant climate risks. At the same time, education is a hugely powerful but significantly under-utilized instrument to promote climate action. Three young activists, from Nigeria, Pakistan, and Peru, will deliver condensed TED-style talks, sharing their personal experience of how climate change is affecting education and how education can and must be a key part of the solution. 

The Human Face of Climate Change

Human capital is essential for meeting the objectives of addressing climate change and fostering development. Without focused investments in people, climate change will accelerate global poverty, exacerbate inequities, and will itself continue unabated. Climate-smart human capital can alleviate the worst impacts of climate change on people and can also empower people to drive the green transition. Join us to discuss how putting human capital at the heart of climate policies can deliver good outcomes for both people and for the planet. 

Protecting Human Capital Amidst a Global Food Crisis

This event will highlight key takeaways from the closed-door Human Capital Ministerial Conclave with focus on how countries can invest in social protection, productive inclusion, and nutrition-sensitive policies to not only avert setbacks to human capital but also to strengthen these critical outcomes for long term growth and productivity.

Investing in Education for Our Children and Youth

How should countries #EndLearningPoverty and prioritize investment decisions to ensure the pandemic does not permanently set back education and employment outcomes, and rebuild human capital losses? Join the discussion on Oct. 12.

Investing in Quality Early Learning to Combat the Global Learning Crisis

This virtual event, convened by the World Bank, launched the Quality Early Learning: Nurturing Children’s Potential volume to highlight the importance of investing in quality early childhood education (ECE).

The State of the Africa Region

The event will provide an opportunity to review the macro-economic situation in the Africa region, given the recent fluctuations in commodity and food prices, and focus on social protection strategies that can help build resilience in African economies and create jobs, as they recover from multiple shocks in current troubled times. 

Human Capital at the Crossroads

Putting people first through investing in human capital – the knowledge, skills, and health that people need to achieve their potential – is critical for sustainable, inclusive growth and poverty reduction.

Prioritizing Learning During COVID-19

The new Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP) offers guidance on how education systems in low- and middle-income countries can respond to the damage caused by the pandemic and make sure that learning needs for all students, especially the most marginalized, are addressed.

The Value of Nature to People and Planet

Joins us to discuss how nature loss is an economic and development issue, and how it is linked to climate change, as well as pathways to undertake both nature and climate-smart development in the future, including through expanding our economic toolkit beyond GDP to account for the wealth provided by nature.

Harnessing Technology to Build Human Capital in South Asia

Our 7th #OneSouthAsia Conversation will focus on these potentials and challenges of leveraging technologies to build human capital and help South Asia manage risks and shocks: how can it overcome regional barriers, promote cross-country collaboration to support recovery from COVID and other shocks, and build human capital and adaptable resilience in the region.

Teach Children in a Language They Use and Understand

The World Bank’s focus on foundational skills requires that issues of language and Language of Instruction be brought to the forefront of education policy discussions. Poor Language of Instruction policies harm learning, access, equity, cost-effectiveness, and inclusion. Yet, inappropriate Language of Instruction policies affect too many students in low- and middle-income countries.

Youth Summit 2021: Resilient Recovery for People and Planet

The primary goals of the Youth Summit are to:  Empower youth to explore innovative ideas to tackle development challenges​ Provide youth with the tools to build and engage in impactful projects​ Promote dialogue between youth, the WBG, and other key stakeholders globally The theme for the 2021 Summit is Resilent Recovery for People and Planet.

Race and Gender at the World Bank Group

Tune in to hear Sandie Okoro's insights on the intersectionality of race and gender, as well as her experiences and advice on having a career in international development. 

The Africa Human Capital Plan

In Sub-Saharan Africa, evidence shows that investing in women’s and girls’ education, health and economic opportunities is fundamental to realizing the continent’s human capital potential and spurring sustainable economic growth. Over the past few decades, countries in the region have made considerable progress addressing a range of outcomes that are critical for women’s and girls’ empowerment, including legal reforms on the age of marriage and gender-based violence. However, women and girls remain particularly vulnerable by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated existing gender gaps and inequalities. The COVID-19 response must therefore be centered on protecting, preserving and sustaining financial and social investments in women and girls. As part of the Human Capital Project Global Forum, which brings together government focal points from around the world, this event will highlight testimonies from voices with first-hand experience and expertise on why protecting and advancing women’s and girls’ social and economic empowerment in the immediate and ...

Human Capital in the Time of COVID-19

Bringing the focus to gender, Melinda Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, explains how women and girls are disproportionately affected, suffering from “shadow” pandemics and Mirai Chatterjee, Director of Social Security at the Self-Employed Women's Association in India, highlights the need to invest in frontline health workers, particularly women.

Learning Poverty: Building the Foundation of Human Capital

Learning poverty—the percentage of children unable to read by the age of 10—is at the heart of global poverty. Tackling all the fundamental steps that are needed to deliver the outcome of a child who can read by their first decade of life requires action across multiple arenas. To learn, children must first survive and thrive; families must have access to quality services; girls must have the same opportunities as boys; parents must have economic opportunities and countries must have policy approaches that allow all of this to flourish. Learning poverty is inextricably linked to global poverty. Join us to hear from speakers, who will highlight the actions being taken to tackle this fundamental shift to achieving stronger country outcomes. 

The Human Capital Crisis: Building a New Social Contract

Globally, 151 million children are stunted. Millions of children are in school but not learning. There is an urgent human capital crisis – in South Africa, across the continent, and around the world. There is no way to achieve our goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity unless we help countries invest more – and more effectively – in their people. In a speech at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim will discuss the state of the world’s human capital and what must happen now to enable young people – and countries – to compete in the economy of the future.

Youth Summit 2018: Unleashing the Power of Human Capital

A key determinant of a country’s competitiveness is its human talent—the skills, knowledge, and experience of its population, better known as “human capital.” Disparities in productivity begin in the earliest stages of life and continue to be exacerbated throughout an individual’s life, impacted by a variety of factors including health, nutrition, and education. Recently, innovation has ushered in a new future where technology and uniquely human characteristics are leveraged in equal measure. This year’s Youth Summit will seek to provide youth with a forum to share their ideas and learn from one another, encouraging the creation of innovative and equitable initiatives and the development of capabilities required in our ever-evolving future. View the agenda here!

Human Capital and Social Accountability

Investing in people’s nutrition, health care, quality education, and skills is crucial to developing a productive society. Join us for a discussion on the urgency of addressing the human capital gap and how collaborative social accountability can help governments and civil society implement innovative and effective solutions to promote investments in human capital. This session is part of the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) Global Partners Forum, which brings together more than 300 practitioners and thought-leaders from civil society organizations, governments, academia, foundations and businesses, to provide a unique space to reflect on social accountability. The 2018 Forum, titled “Money Matters: Public Finance and Social Accountability for Human Capital”, seeks to specifically build awareness of the Human Capital Project and explore the potential contributions of social accountability towards the project’s success. To learn more and view the agenda, visit:

The State of the Africa Region

The event builds on the forthcoming Africa’s Pulse report’s special theme: The role of human capital in boosting productivity. A highly skilled, healthy labor force plays an important role in driving economic growth. It facilitates the adoption of rapidly changing technologies and enhances the ability to develop new technologies. How can Africa capitalize on its human capital to ramp up productivity and close large and persistent gaps in income per capita relative to advanced countries?

Building Human Capital: A Project for the World #InvestInPeople

Months after World Bank President Jim Kim announced the Human Capital Project, global leaders gathered in Washington to discuss the urgent and critical importance of investing in people to prepare countries for the economy of the future. In a lively discussion moderated by Ali Velshi of NBC News and MSNBC, Dr. Kim joined Bill Gates, principal founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Gates Foundation; and Penny Mordaunt, the UK’s secretary of state for international development, to make the case for investing in people. Against the backdrop of rapid technological and labor market changes, the speakers had one overpowering message: investing in people—through education, health, nutrition, social protection and jobs—is the sturdiest way forward.   From why the world needs a Human Capital Index to link key investments in people to economic growth, to how to finance high-impact investments in people, speakers provided unique perspectives. They concluded that building human capital is indeed a project for the world, ...

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Jim Yong Kim

This is a Facebook Live interview.  As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group, to discuss the urgent and critical importance of investing more and more efficiently in people to prepare countries for the economy of the future.  Watch the replay!

Human Capital Summit: Committing to Action to Drive Economic Growth

World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim opened this action-oriented Summit with a strong investment case for human capital, which is a critical development priority for the world. A World Bank Annual Meetings Flagship event, the Human Capital Summit provided a platform for world leaders to make commitments and share the actions they are taking to invest in people in their respective countries and/or globally. There is new evidence today that human capital is a clear path to ending extreme poverty and boosting national wealth and economic growth. In fact, the World Bank Group's Human Capital project, announced by President Kim at Columbia University last week is an accelerated effort to encourage investment in people. The Summit today focused specifically on several key themes: the early years, nutrition, universal health coverage (UHC), quality of education, skills and jobs, youth, and women and girls.  President Kim was joined by H.E. Paul Kagame, President, Republic of Rwanda; Luis Caputo, Minister ...

Human Capital Summit: Investing in the Early Years for Growth and Productivity

Investing in the early years is one of the smartest investments a country can make to break the cycle of poverty, address inequality, and boost productivity later in life. Today, millions of young children are not reaching their full potential because of inadequate nutrition, lack of early stimulation and learning, and exposure to stress. Investments in the physical, mental, and emotional development of children -- from before birth until they enter primary school – are critical for the future productivity of individuals and for the economic competitiveness of nations. Join us as country leaders make commitments to reduce chronic malnutrition in children and expand access to early childhood development services by 2020 to ensure that children everywhere can thrive.

Global Human Resources Forum 2014

The Global Human Resources Forum is a non-profit foundation best known for its annual international conference in Seoul, South Korea, which brings together opinion leaders, business executives, policy makers, intellectuals and journalists to discuss pressing issues facing the world, especially education, human resources development and talent management. The theme of this year's forum is “Human Resources for Trust and Integration”. The event will open with a live interview with Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President, conducted by Sung-Mo Steve Kang, President of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; followed by a keynote speech by John Gottman.

Building a Global Coalition for Youth Employment

Over the next decade, one billion people will enter the job market --the global economy will need to create 5 million jobs each month simply to keep employment rates constant. Securing good jobs for youth is a global priority. This event will unveil a global initiative that addresses the pervasive challenge of youth employment and underemployment. It is closely associated with the World Bank Group’s ambitious goal: to eliminate extreme poverty and to boost shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent by 2030. For the first time, this partnership will link the relevant actors from different spheres—governments, corporate actors, international organizations and civil society—to generate and share learning about what works, and to leverage this shared understanding through increased investments in proven solutions.

About World Bank Live

Since 2011, the World Bank Live platform has been a hub for high-level conversations on international development. Hosting over 650 events in English, with more than 200 also available in French, Spanish, and/or Arabic, it serves as a gateway to both upcoming and past events. The platform aims to help spark innovative ideas and translate them into actionable solutions, with a focus on ending poverty and boosting prosperity on a livable planet. Each event delves into critical economic issues aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with topics ranging from healthcare and pandemic preparedness to climate action and building sustainable communities. Read more >