Tune in to our livestreamed gender events to witness the World Bank Group's progress in addressing global challenges related to gender equality. Gain insights from our cutting-edge research, including the Women, Business and the Law report, the World Bank Gender Data Portal and Country Gender Landscape briefs.

Explore the gender dimensions of various sectors from the importance of expanding quality childcare services to allow mothers to work to the unique challenges associated with women’s health. These live events, offered in multiple languages with interpretation, provide a platform for discussing and advancing gender equality across diverse contexts and regions.

Empowering Women and Girls, Transforming Societies
Women and girls often face heightened vulnerabilities to poverty, crises, and the impacts of climate change. By promoting gender equality and fostering equal participation of female leaders in decision-making processes, we can unlock a path to well-being and prosperity for all.

The evidence is clear: removing gender inequalities and barriers unleashes economic productivity, reduces poverty, and strengthens social cohesion. Closing the gender gap in employment could raise long-term GDP per capita by nearly 20 percent on average across countries.

World Bank Gender Strategy
Accelerating gender equality is at the heart of the World Bank Group’s mission to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet. We recognize that equality of opportunity is not just a matter of fairness and justice but a fundamental necessity for global development and prosperity.

The World Bank Group's new Gender Strategy (2024-2030) sets an ambitious agenda to accelerate gender equality and end poverty on a livable planet. This comprehensive strategy focuses on three key objectives:

1. Ending gender-based violence and elevating human capital.

2. Expanding economic empowerment and enabling equal opportunities.

3. Engaging more women as leaders in their communities and beyond.

To drive this transformative change, the strategy identifies innovation, financing, and collective action as critical drivers.

Innovations for Gender Equality 
By promoting solutions grounded in data, evidence, technology, and behavioral insights from our Gender Innovation Labs, as well as learning from and refining local approaches, we can develop innovative strategies tailored to address gender inequalities in diverse contexts.

Financing a Gender-Equal Future
Securing and allocating public and private sector resources effectively is crucial for investing in initiatives that promote gender equality and access to finance for women such as the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi). The World Bank Group, including IFC, MIGA, and IDA, recognizes the distinct roles of public and private finance in supporting investments in people, prosperity, and a livable planet. 

Collective Action for Lasting Impact
Achieving gender equality requires the concerted engagement of a wide range of stakeholders and partners. By fostering collective action, we can amplify our impact and create a legacy of equality and empowerment.

Find More Resources 
Use the above event listing to explore upcoming events and watch event replays. Learn more about our work by visiting worldbank.org/gender and join the conversation through @WBG_Gender

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Past Events

International Women’s Day 2025: A Spotlight on India

Learn about the major strides that women have made across different fields in India and highlight solutions that can help unlock opportunities for women in the region and beyond.

10th MIGA Gender Leadership Award: Equality at Work

How can we promote gender equality in the workplace? Join us for the Annual MIGA Gender Leadership Award as we explore this question with this year's awardee, Loubna Ghaleb of Tanger Med Group.

Helping Countries Invest in Their Futures: IDA21 Final Replenishment Meeting

Watch the opening and closing session of the final IDA21 Replenishment Meeting and learn how the International Development Association helps countries invest in their futures.

Women Transforming the World

Watch the replay of a discussion with Ministers from Nigeria, Togo, and the UK, where World Bank Group President Ajay Banga announced new actions and goals to boost economic opportunities for women.

Women, Jobs and South Asia’s Untapped Potential

Catch the replay with experts from the region discussing how South Asian economies can unlock their untapped potential and boost opportunities for women.

The Law and Inclusive Development

Global aging is a triumph of development. Replay this event spotlighting the World Bank’s Healthy Longevity Initiative. Panelists explore policies, lessons, and strategies to capitalize on this opportunity for individuals and societies.

Engaging Women as Leaders to End Poverty on a Livable Planet

Join us at the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women as we discuss how to engage women as leaders to end poverty on a livable planet.

9th MIGA Gender Leadership Award: The Shift to a Green and Caring Economy

How can we promote gender equality while fostering a transition to a green and caring economy? Join the “9th Annual MIGA Gender Leadership Award" as we explore this question with this year's awardee, Ginette Borduas.

Women, Business and the Law 2024

On March 5, 2024, the World Bank Group launched the Women, Business and the Law 2024 report: "Breaking Down Barriers to Achieve Gender Equality." The report finds that women enjoy only two-thirds of the legal rights that men do and that the gender gap is wider than laws on the books might suggest due to insufficient legal implementation.

Engaging Women as Leaders

This event – organized by the World Bank, including IBRD, IDA and IFC, in partnership with We-Fi – explores how the public and private sectors can engage differently to support innovation, financing, and collective action toward gender equality and women's economic empowerment.

Ending Gender-Based Violence: A 10-year Retrospective

Join us as we retrace the institution's evolving perspectives and strategies in addressing this deeply rooted manifestation of gender inequality.

The World Bank Group, Gender Equality, and LGBTI+ Inclusion

Learn how the World Bank Group can support gender equality and LGBTI+ inclusion.

Investing in Human Capital to Accelerate the Green Transition

Investing in human capital creates healthy and well-educated populations – education being the greatest predicator of climate-friendly behavior.

Empowering Women as Entrepreneurs and Leaders

Join our high-level speakers to discuss how to advance the business case for gender inclusion and equality.

2023 Spring Meetings Opening Press Conference

President David Malpass takes questions from international media representatives covering the 2023 Spring Meetings.

8th MIGA Gender Leadership Award: Innovation through Female Entrepreneurship

Every year, MIGA presents its Gender Leadership Award honoring senior managers who have a proven track record of seeking to further the causes of women’s advancement and gender equality. MIGA is delighted to recognize this year's awardee, Claudia María González Arteaga, Chief Financial Officer at Bancóldex (Banco de Desarrollo Empresarial de Colombia). Her dedication to innovation has boosted access to credit for MSMEs (Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises) in Colombia. Her work is helping to build a green economy and support gender equality in the country. 

Women’s Leadership and Collective Action

Headlined by the Honorable Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Nobel Laureate and former President of Liberia, this hour-long panel discussion will feature women leaders from across the globe and across generations to reflect on the importance of accelerating gender equality and empowerment; explore the power of collective action to accelerate change; and discuss how the private sector, philanthropic, and community leaders can play the role of changemakers and, together, accelerate equality. 

Women, Business and the Law 2023

What can be done to improve economic opportunities for women and empower them at work and at home? Join the live launch of the World Bank's Women, Business and the Law 2023 study.

Empowering Women to Shape the Future of Jobs

This event, organized in collaboration with Morocco’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, underscores the role that women can play in unleashing the future of jobs as economies undergo structural transformation and the green transition. It brings together policy makers and thought leaders to facilitate knowledge exchange and inspire actions to accelerate equality and put women at the front and center of policy and resource decisions.

Women and Girls are Key to Effective Climate Action

How to adopt an integrated approach to tackling gender equality and climate change? This event will present evidence and examples showing that supporting women’s empowerment and gender equality pays dividends, including for reaching climate goals. 

Delivering Climate Action While We Feed the World

Developing countries have the opportunity to simultaneously reduce emissions from agriculture, while supporting adaptation priorities. This event will discuss key initiatives and operations, in a synthesized way, for delivering climate mitigation action to sub-sectors such as livestock and rice and will showcase relevant Bank projects, while engaging the voices of client countries around key mitigation themes.

A Conversation with David Malpass and Samantha Power

On June 21st,  2022, David Malpass and USAID Administrator Samantha Power held a conversation about the impact of the current overlapping global crises on the poorest and most vulnerable.

Gender Data for Decision Making

The World Bank Group has expanded partnerships to improve the collection, access, sharing, and use of sex-disaggregated data over the last several years including investing in the recently relaunched Gender Data Portal and the “Strengthening Gender Statistics” project. This event is an opportunity for a high-level yet engaging discussion on the value of gender data for policy reforms, programming, and monitoring progress/outcomes towards achieving gender equality.

Human Capital at the Crossroads

Putting people first through investing in human capital – the knowledge, skills, and health that people need to achieve their potential – is critical for sustainable, inclusive growth and poverty reduction.

7th MIGA Gender Leadership Award: Clean Energy for All

Did you know that despite making up 48% of the global work force – women only account for 22% of the traditional energy sector?

Women, Business and the Law 2022

Drawing on the findings from the latest Women, Business and the Law report, this event will contribute to the public conversation on women’s economic empowerment and a more equitable, prosperous world.

Women Entrepreneurs Breaking Barriers

Livestreamed event on female entrepreneurs working in male-dominated sectors, policies and programs that reduce sector-based gender gaps for women.

Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement

How does forced displacement affect women and men differently? And how should policy and program design and implementation reflect these differences? Join a high-level event bringing together researchers, civil society, and global leaders to discuss the policy and programming implications of this research program.

Gender Equality and Development

This event will explore the important progress made and lessons learned from the implementation of policy reforms and projects over the last 10 years. The discussion also will center on new ideas and aspirations for the next 10 years. Panelists will reflect on the implications of some of the most pressing global challenges on the prospects for achieving gender equality.

LGBT+ and the World Bank Group

As a global organization that has embraced the twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity, the World Bank Group is committed to fostering and strengthening diversity and inclusion in both its work and workplace. We are committed to a workplace where everyone is valued, where differences are respected and celebrated, and where opportunity and equitable treatment is afforded to all.  For our next episode of Behind the Mission: Working at the World Bank Group, which is on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), we delve into LGBT+ issues at the World Bank Group. How has the diversity and inclusion agenda improved over the years? How does our institution ensure that LGBT+ rights are protected and LGBT+ staff are empowered and nurtured? Why should LGBT+ community consider a career in international development, especially at the WBG? Join the discussion with three staff members, who will share their insights and experiences about how the World Bank ...

Race and Gender at the World Bank Group

Tune in to hear Sandie Okoro's insights on the intersectionality of race and gender, as well as her experiences and advice on having a career in international development. 

6th MIGA Gender Leadership Award: Women Financing a Resilient Asia

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is hosting its 6th Annual Gender Leadership Award, titled ‘Women Financing a Resilient Asia.’ The Award recognizes a leader who has a proven track record of seeking to further the cause of women’s advancement and gender equality while contributing to the World Bank Group’s twin goals of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity. MIGA is delighted to recognize Audra Low, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director, Clifford Capital as this years’ awardee. Ms. Low has shown her commitment to furthering gender equality in the workplace, particularly in front line roles/functions where women’s representation has historically been lacking. Ms. Low’s efforts set an example for women in the finance sector, who have been significantly underrepresented in executive positions, representing less than 2% of bank CEOs and holding less than 20% of board seats of banks worldwide. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 as ...

The Africa Human Capital Plan

In Sub-Saharan Africa, evidence shows that investing in women’s and girls’ education, health and economic opportunities is fundamental to realizing the continent’s human capital potential and spurring sustainable economic growth. Over the past few decades, countries in the region have made considerable progress addressing a range of outcomes that are critical for women’s and girls’ empowerment, including legal reforms on the age of marriage and gender-based violence. However, women and girls remain particularly vulnerable by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated existing gender gaps and inequalities. The COVID-19 response must therefore be centered on protecting, preserving and sustaining financial and social investments in women and girls. As part of the Human Capital Project Global Forum, which brings together government focal points from around the world, this event will highlight testimonies from voices with first-hand experience and expertise on why protecting and advancing women’s and girls’ social and economic empowerment in the immediate and ...

Safeguarding Women’s Economic Opportunity in Times of Crisis

No economy can grow to its full potential unless both women and men participate fully. As half the world’s population, women have an equal role in driving economic growth. Yet despite recent progress, women around the globe continue to face laws and regulations that restrict their economic opportunity. The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges to their health, safety, and economic security.  The World Bank has stepped up its support to countries as they tackle the unprecedented threats posed by the COVID-19 crisis and is paying special attention to the pandemic's different impact on men and women. By using the findings of the new Women, Business and the Law 2021 study, this event will discuss what can be done to improve women’s economic opportunities and empower them in the world of work and at home, especially in the context of the global pandemic. See the list of speakers  

Pivoting in a Pandemic: Women Entrepreneurs Tap Regional Opportunities

Join our next #OneSouthAsia live conversation to hear how three women entrepreneurs are navigating the pandemic and tapping regional opportunities to create jobs, contribute to economic growth, and reduce gender gaps. South Asia has the world’s lowest rate of women entrepreneurs, with just 18% of small, medium and large businesses principally owned by a woman. Few engage in trade. As South Asia rebuilds after COVID-19, the region needs more women entrepreneurs to help drive innovations in services and products. Entrepreneurs Maheen Adamjee of Pakistan, Sairee Chahal of India, and Ayanthi Gurusinghe of Sri Lanka will share their experiences growing their businesses domestically and regionally, accessing finance, and using digital technology. Former banker Anshula Kant, now chief financial officer of the World Bank Group, will offer insights about the World Bank’s support to women entrepreneurs globally and in South Asia. Cecile Fruman, the World Bank’s direction of regional integration and engagement in South Asia, will lead the conversation. No ...

Women Leading the Way for Change – Stories from the Frontlines

This plenary will feature a conversation with four incredible women leaders about leading through change and reimagining the future post-COVID. Speakers will share stories of bold leadership, innovative approaches they took throughout their lives and during the COVID-19 crisis, and they will provide us with insights on a future re-imagined. Join us in what promises to be a rich and insightful dialogue across generations and from the frontlines of change. 

SDGs and Her Award Event

The World Bank, in partnership with UNDP, UN Women, and the Wharton School Zicklin Center, will hold a virtual award event on September 30, 2020, on the margins of the 75th session of the UNGA, to recognize seven woman entrepreneurs. These inspirational women were selected from a pool of 2,400 applicants from around the world that competed in the 2020 SDGs and Her competition. This year’s winners are using their entrepreneurial skills to not only support ...

Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Women’s Equality

Trade can dramatically improve women’s lives, creating new jobs, enhancing consumer choice, and increasing women’s bargaining power in society. But women’s relationship with trade is complex, as it can also lead to job losses and a concentration of work in lower-skilled jobs. To ensure that trade enhances opportunities for everyone – regardless of gender – policymakers should assess the potential impact of trade rules on various groups of people and develop policy responses based on evidence.  This event will introduce Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Women’s Equality – a joint report by the World Bank Group and the World Trade Organization. The report marks the first major effort to quantify how women are affected by trade through the use of a new gender-disaggregated labor dataset. A series of speakers and leading experts will discuss how policymakers and the private sector can integrate women into the global trading system, and the challenges and opportunities for women, ...

Bridging the Digital Gender Divide in Time of Social Distancing

The World Bank, in partnership with CES — the world’s largest and most influential technology event — is organizing a virtual event to highlight solutions to bridge the digital gender divide as part of the Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women. The World Bank and CES have recently joined forces and call on the tech community to help bridge the digital gender divide through a Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women.  Addressing the gender digital divide is crucial to ensuring sustainability of women’s livelihood. This is particularly the case during crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic when connectivity is key. At times like this, we need to emphasize the importance of digital access for women. We will bring around this “virtual” table inspiring tech entrepreneurs from around the world –including judges and ambassadors for the challenge-- who will discuss what will it take to bridge the digital gender divide.

Coronavirus Live Series: The Impact of the Pandemic on Women and Girls

Evidence from outbreaks similar to COVID-19 indicates that women and girls can be affected in particular ways, and in some areas, face more negative impacts than men. In fact, there is a risk that gender gaps could widen during and after the pandemic and that gains in women’s and girls’ accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment and voice and agency, built over the past decades, could be reversed.  The World Bank Group is working to ensure that projects responding to COVID-19 consider the pandemic's different impacts on men and women. Join us as we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls with Caren Grown, Senior Director for Gender at the World Bank. 

Women Empowering Women

Welcome to Behind the Mission, the World Bank Group’s series on LinkedIn where we discuss current career opportunities and hear from staff about their experiences. To mark the upcoming International Women's Day, today’s episode is about Women Empowering Women. To achieve our twin goals of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity, the World Bank must close the gender gap in developing countries. But how do ensure that the women who work here feel supported in their careers and achieve work-life balance? We are now live with Monica Oldham, Manager of the Diversity and Inclusion Office at the World Bank Group, and Caren Grown, Senior Director for Gender at the World Bank Group. They are here to talk about how the World Bank supports female staff, share their personal stories and give their advice on working at the World Bank Group.

The State of the Africa Region

The State of the Africa Region event attempted to answer this age-old question and put some answers into practice. The discussion, moderated by Julie Gichuru, did not disappoint in terms of diversity, passion, and humor, with Africa Region Vice President Hafez Ghanem in his opening remarks declaring himself a newborn feminist in his “old age”, and Chief Economist Albert Zeufack linking gender inequality to slower-than-expected growth of just 2.6 percent for 2019.   An animated group of panelists talked through practical ways to close the gap between men and women in Africa. While there was consensus on areas like access to health, education, empowerment, and changing social norms, entrepreneur Ciiru Waithaka highlighted the need to move beyond gathering data and use what we know to drive tangible results. As a doctor working in fragile environment, Christabel Ngwashi outlined the important role of women in health care at all levels (policy, community, individual), and urged women not to rely on entitlement, but to earn ...

Unleashing the Potential of Women Entrepreneurs Through Finance and Markets

Starting and growing a business is one of the most powerful tools for women to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Yet, in most countries, women face legal, financial, and market barriers that stifle their entrepreneurial success. IFC estimates there is a $1.5 trillion annual credit deficit for women-owned small and medium enterprises. Join us as we explore ways that the private sector can create financial and market opportunities for women entrepreneurs. The event will highlight innovative partnerships such as the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) and the Women Entrepreneurs Opportunity Facility (WEOF), and will feature rising women entrepreneurs from emerging markets.

Development Marketplace: Innovations to Address Gender Based Violence

11 Research Teams Win More than $1 million to Address Gender-Based Violence in 9 Countries The 4th Development Marketplace: Innovations to Address Gender Based Violence highlighted the impact of innovation and evidence-based research on gender-based violence prevention and response around the world, in memory of Hannah Graham, daughter of IFC’s John Graham. At today’s event with insightful and inspirational remarks by the World Bank Group CEO Kristalina Georgieva, IFC VP for Latin America & the Caribbean and Europe and Central Asia Georgina Baker, and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative founder Claudia Garcia-Moreno, 11 winners from around the world were awarded prize money to design, implement, and capture results of new solutions, including the first-ever private sector winner. Winning 2019 approaches include a mobile phone app to collect and preserve forensic medical evidence for the prosecution of sexual violence crimes; a study of the effectiveness of police home visits to victims of domestic violence; and research into how youth social networks influence attitudes to GBV. 

5th Annual MIGA Gender CEO Award

Every year, MIGA presents its Gender CEO Award to honor senior managers (CEOs or equivalent) who have a proven track record of seeking to further the causes of women’s advancement and gender equality while contributing to the World Bank Group’s twin goals of poverty reduction and shared prosperity. This year’s theme is “Women Leading Climate Finance” in honor of the 2019 awardee, Lara de Mesa, Head of Responsible Banking at Banco Santander Group.  Ms. De Mesa has been Head of Responsible Banking at Santander since September 2018.  Its responsible banking agenda is making Santander one of the most responsible banks in the world, across all countries where Santander is present (including Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, US, UK, Germany and Poland). Follow the event on Twitter @MIGA 

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Roya Mahboob

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Roya Mahboob, CEO, Digital Citizen Fund​. She is among the first IT female CEOs in Afghanistan and now lives in New York. She continues to help young Afghan women build digital literacy. In 2013, Roya Mahboob was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People In The World for her work.

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Jean Liu

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Jean Liu, President, Didi Chuxing, China, to discuss how technology-driven online platforms can facilitate access for women entrepreneurs as providers and users of goods, services, and capital, and showcase how initiatives such as the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) are enabling women to overcome financial and other market barriers.  /*-->*/

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Oyindamola Honey Ogundeyi

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Oyindamola Honey Ogundeyi, Founder, Fashpa.com, Nigeria, about how online platforms are empowering women in Africa. 

Spring Meetings 2018 Global Voices: Interview with Mabel Van Oranje

This is a Facebook Live interview.  As part of our Spring Meetings 2018 Interview Series, we will be talking with Mabel van Oranje, Founder and Chair of the Board of Trustees, Girls Not Brides, to discuss the importance of supporting girls and why ending child marriage is critical. Watch the replay!

3rd Annual Gender CEO Award Women Leading Finance

For the third year in a row, MIGA will be presenting its Gender CEO Award to honor senior managers (CEOs or equivalent) who have a proven track record of seeking to further the causes of women’s advancement and gender equality while contributing to the World Bank Group’s twin goals of poverty reduction and shared prosperity. This year, MIGA is proud to honor Julie Monaco, the Global Head of the Public Sector at Citigroup. Ms. Monaco has decades of experience in the finance sector, and has been instrumental in her current role in shaping Citi’s investments in development projects across the globe – helping improve the lives of millions.    

International Women’s Day presented by the WBG Staff Association and Rotary International

Join Rotary International, Oppenheimer, and The World Bank as we celebrate International Women’s Day.  Hosted and sponsored by the World Bank Group Staff Association, the session will illustrate the power of women to change the world and improve the lives of the less fortunate through innovative and impactful projects in the areas of education and health.

Inform to Reform: Using Comparative Law to Make Change

Researchers at the World Bank uncovered that 90% of economies worldwide have at least one discriminatory law that makes it more difficult for women than for men to work or operate a business. An interview style panel with Q&A will explore how and why the World Bank has been developing a global dataset on laws affecting women’s economic opportunities, as well as how gender equality advocates can use comparative law as a tool in their own work.

Let Girls Be Girls, Not Brides

Child marriage negatively affects multiple development outcomes. It epitomizes a lack of voice and agency for women as well as the interconnectedness of development challenges. Every year, millions of girls marry before turning 18. Child marriage leads to lower educational attainment for girls and lower earnings in adulthood. It leads to higher fertility and population growth. It affects negatively the health of child brides and their children. The economic costs of the practice are high, suggesting that apart from being the right thing to do, ending child marriage is also economically a smart investment. How can child marriage be ended?  This session will discuss the role of laws, policies, and targeted programs to end the practice. The session will include among others an analysis of global trends in the minimum legal age for marriage, a review of successful interventions that have proven effective in delaying marriage, and case studies of such interventions. New results on trends, impacts, and solutions for specific ...

Taking Women-owned Business to the Next Level

Follow the event on Twitter: #EmpowerWomen & #IFCmarkets Highlighting the stories of three successful women entrepreneurs, “Taking Women-owned Businesses to the Next Level” focused on the barriers women face when trying to build and expand their businesses. The session featured Nour Al-Hassan, who transformed her translation business from two employees to more than 200; Win Win Tint, who expanded her family’s single supermarket into a leading modern retail company; and Anta Bathily, who worked her way up from the bottom of her father’s poultry business to lead the company’s efforts to diversify into other agribusiness enterprises. Women entrepreneurs not only need access to finance, but they also need access to mentoring, technology, and knowledge, according to a panel discussion hosted by World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. Kim was joined on the panel by Ivanka Trump, advisor to the US President, who spurred efforts to create the Women Entrepreneurs Financing Initiative (We-Fi), a new facility backed by 14 countries ...

Interview with Anta Babacar and Nour Al Hassan

Want to hear some big ideas on how to #EndPoverty? As part of our Annual Meetings 2017 Interview Series, we will be meeting with Anta Babakar, Executive Director of Sedima, and Nour Al Hassan, Founder and CEO of Tarjama, to discuss how women entrepreneurs play a critical role in economic development. Join us live on Friday, October 13th, 4:00pm. 

At What Cost? The Economic Impacts of Child Marriage

Each year, 15 million girls are married before the age of 18. Child marriage is a global challenge that has been shown to contribute to a number of harmful consequences, including school dropout, early pregnancy, intimate partner violence and infant mortality. But what are the economic impacts of child marriage? Join the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and the World Bank to discuss the findings from a groundbreaking research project to uncover the economic costs of child marriage.

Boosting Women's Economic Empowerment

Countries can unlock enormous economic growth potential by breaking down barriers and stereotypes, offering more, better and inclusive jobs, sharing care-giving and other responsibilities, increasing equal ownership of and control over land and finance, and actively supporting the voice and leadership of women in all aspects of their lives and organizations. Join finance ministers, CEOs, and other development experts for a discussion about why, and how, closing salient gaps between men and women, and boys and girls, helps families, communities, cities and economies prosper.

Increasing Women's Financial Protection - What Can Insurance Do?

The socioeconomic status of women across the world is rising. They earn more and their power to influence household spending is increasing. Yet, their ability to mitigate financial risk for themselves, their assets, and their families remains low. Participants will discuss the role the insurance industry and its stakeholders can play in increasing financial protection for women from all income levels, while strengthening their participation in the economy.  

Innovations to Prevent Gender-Based Violence: Building Evidence for Effective Solutions

To support the prevention of violence against women and girls, the World Bank Group and Sexual Violence Research Initiative will award 10 teams from around the world with funds to support research and innovation to help address this global epidemic. Nearly 1 billion women and girls across all countries and cultures will experience intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. Violence experienced by women and girls is an obstacle to development gains, as it impedes their full participation in society, limits access to education and economic participation, and hinders efforts to achieve gender equality. Award winners will share their motivations and successes in developing effective prevention and response interventions, which the World Bank can also incorporate into its development work.

2nd Annual MIGA Gender CEO Award: Women Powering Africa

MIGA is hosting its 2nd Annual Gender CEO Award to recognize the accomplishments of a CEO among MIGA’s clients who has a record of creating opportunities for women and promoting gender equality. This year’s Gender CEO Award’s theme is ‘Women Powering Africa,’ in honor of Helen Tarnoy, MD at Aldwych Intl, the recipient of the award. The event will focus on how the energy sector can play an important role in promoting greater gender equality across the continent.

LGBTI Inclusion, Poverty Reduction, and Shared Prosperity

Despite some progress in the past two decades, the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people around the world remains challenging. The rights of LGBTI people are not fully respected, protected or realized due to punitive laws and policies, stigma, discrimination, and violence. More than 70 countries still criminalize homosexuality while, in a handful of countries, homosexuality is punishable by death. While robust data are scarce, existing evidence indicates that LGBTI people have lower educational outcomes, higher unemployment rates, as well as inadequate access to health, housing, and financial services. On May 17, the World Bank Group will observe the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, now celebrated in more than 130 countries. This year’s IDAHOT will bring together policymakers, civil society, the private sector, and development partners to discuss the linkages between social inclusion and good development outcomes. Related Links: Feature Story: To Fight Poverty, We Need to Fight Homophobia and Transphobia

Let Girls Learn, Featuring Michelle Obama

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama brought her passion for girls’ education and a powerful message to a packed World Bank atrium just ahead of Spring Meetings: Support education for adolescent girls, because it’s one of the smartest investments any country can make. She was talking to the right audience — finance and development ministers entrusted with crucial spending decisions, development experts, and leaders from civil society, the private sector, and the media. World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim praised Obama as a “tremendous champion for the rights of girls and women.” He announced that the Bank Group would invest $2.5 billion over five years in education projects directly benefiting adolescent girls. Obama welcomed the news as a “truly amazing. This isn’t just a breathtaking investment of resources, it’s also a powerful statement of mission.” “It’s an expression of our belief in the power of education to transform the lives and prospects of millions of girls worldwide — ...

Caring About Care: A Conversation with Anne-Marie Slaughter

Companies and governments without child- and elder-care strategies and policies cannot attract and retain talent, nor can they achieve their full productivity and growth potential. The private sector and governments must partner to address the care crisis. How can we rethink the organization of affordable and accessible care for our families and businesses, knowing that solving this issue can contribute to retaining gender-diverse talent as well as increasing competitiveness and productivity? Join us with your spouses/partners to begin a fresh conversation about why we should all care about care—employees, employers and governments alike. Related Links: World Bank Group Gender Strategy (FY 2016–2023) Putting Gender-Smart Commitments Into Practice Child care is an investment — not an expense Child Care & Parent Productivity: Making the Business Case [PDF] Maternity and paternity at work: Law and practice across the world [PDF] What’s Next for Gender Equality? A New Strategy to Address Gender Inequality Investing In Women's Employment [PDF] Gender at Work: A Companion ...

Inspiring Women of Action: A Celebration of International Women’s Day

Join Rotary, Oppenheimer, Global Partnership for Education, and the World Bank as we celebrate International Women’s Day.  Hosted and sponsored by the World Bank Group Staff Association, the session will illustrate the power of women to change the world and improve the lives of the less fortunate through innovative and impactful projects in the areas of education and health.

The Economic and Social Impacts of Child Marriage

Each year, 15 million girls are married before the age of 18. When girls marry early, they often drop out of school, have more children over their lifetime, are at greater risk of HIV infection and intimate partner violence, and face serious health complications and even death from early pregnancy and childbearing. Child brides are often isolated, with limited opportunity to participate in the development of their communities. Child marriage therefore hampers efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable global development. Join us to discuss the findings of a groundbreaking World Bank/International Center for Research on Women research project to understand the economic costs of child marriage.

Gender & the Economy Event: Getting to Equal with Women’s Access to Financial Services

Universal financial access, a goal the World Bank Group is committed to accomplishing, hinges on closing the persistent gender finance gap. How come 1.1 billion women, for example, still don’t have a bank account? Should we promote more women into leadership roles in the industry, gather more gender-disaggregated data to learn how to better reach unbanked women, make sure women have greater access to mobile phones, or better communicate the business case to banks and other financial institutions? These questions will be at the heart of the debate among industry leaders and economists during the annual Gender & the Economy event. Each speaker will highlight some of the business benefits and best practices for unlocking financial access for women, so that they as well as men can thrive as entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and customers. The event will also mark the occasion of the eighth-annual IFC CEO Gender Award. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, bestows this honor to recognize ...

Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity featuring the Hon. Hillary Rodham Clinton

Among the best investments we can make is in girls' education. At an event at the World Bank Headquarters, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, Former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and UN Women's Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka spoke on how empowering girls and women and investing in girls' education will improve their world as well as ours. #Womencan

About World Bank Live

Since 2011, the World Bank Live platform has been a hub for high-level conversations on international development. Hosting over 650 events in English, with more than 200 also available in FrenchSpanish, and/or Arabic, it serves as a gateway to both upcoming and past events. The platform aims to help spark innovative ideas and translate them into actionable solutions, with a focus on ending poverty and boosting prosperity on a livable planet. Each event delves into critical economic issues aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with topics ranging from healthcare and pandemic preparedness to climate action and building sustainable communities. Read more >