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Enhancing Accountability through Independent Supreme Audit Institutions

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COVID-19 brought into focus the need for greater transparency and accountability in public finances. Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), also known as the Auditor General, National Audit Office, Cour des Comptes, Tribunal de Comptes amongst others, in different countries, play the most important role in promoting efficient and accountable public administration and contribute in enabling the achievement of sustainable development goals.

SAIs are responsible for auditing public revenue, expenditure, assets, and liabilities to ascertain the quality and credibility of financial information generated by the executive branch of government, and to contribute to the legislature’s fiscal oversight role. Independence is fundamental for effectiveness of SAIs as key accountability institutions. The absence of adequate independence and capacity can impair a Supreme Audit Institutions​’ ability to support the fight against corruption and to assess the value for money of government programs. How can we strengthen the independence and capacity of SAIs? This led to the World Bank developing the 2021 Global SAI Independence Index to strengthen its ability and other development partners to promote the independence of those institutions globally. 

Join us in launching the World Bank’s Supreme Audit Institutions Independence (SAI) Index, presenting the global and regional trends on various dimensions of SAI independence in 118 countries. During the event, the panel of global leaders will present discuss and share reflections on ways to strengthen transparency and accountability in public sector governance, which is critical as the world emerges out of COVID-19.

