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Powering Africa and Promoting a Just Energy Transition

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The goals of achieving universal energy access and a just energy transition in Sub-Saharan Africa are closely intertwined. Energy is in at the center of economic and human development, yet more than half of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa are deprived of the life-transforming opportunities that energy access brings. Electrification pace needs to triple for Africa to achieve universal electricity access by 2030.

The session discusses how public and private sector can work together to bring in a fundamental shift towards tripling electricity access pace to fast-track energy access in the region. It features commitments by the World Bank, African Governments, bilateral donors and the private sector to accelerated both grid and off-grid electrification, deepen regional integration and leverage clean energy sources, to achieve this goal.

00:00 Welcome! COP27 | Powering Africa and Promoting a Just Energy Transition
01:23 Opening remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, World Bank
12:08 Introduction of the panel discussion
13:21 The case of Uganda in energy access
18:24 Strategies of Nigeria in universal energy access
26:11 Partnering with the Netherlands
28:55 The role of the private sector
35:56 Visions from Malawi
45:21 Closure

