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Implementing the 2030 Agenda: From Commitment to Action

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With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), global development has entered a new stage. This unprecedented consensus sets out a critical role for the World Bank Group (WBG) to reinforce its leadership in support of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. We must expand funding in fragile and conflict-affected states for both the public and private sectors, enhance support to low- and middle-income countries, and further integrate global public goods into our business model. This means that the WBG will need to scale up its financing mobilization efforts from both public and private sources, expand sources of partner funding, and help countries better use their resources, including curbing illicit financial flows.

In July 2017, 43 countries will present their plans during the second UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development in New York, organized under the overarching theme of “Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World”.  The event will highlight actions and implementation plans on the SDGs -- which are aligned with the WBG’s twin goals and the Forward Look. The event may also touch upon the HLPF’s relevance to our country-level planning processes, including Country Partnership Frameworks and Systematic Country Diagnostics.
