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Livestream: The Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit, will stream live from Dar es Salaam on January 27-28, 2025. Objective: connect 300 million people to electricity


Advancing Africa's Energy Future

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JANUARY 27-28, 2025



The Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit, in Dar es Salaam on January 27-28, 2025, will bring together leaders to accelerate energy access for 300 million people in Africa by 2030. Hosted by the United Republic of Tanzania, the African Union, the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the World Bank Group, it aims to drive reforms, secure financing, and mobilize partnerships for Africa’s energy transformation.

See more details about the sessions and speakers.

All times are listed in Eastern Africa Time (EAT).


09:00 – 09:25 / Welcome, opening statement
On behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

09:25 – 10:05 / Panel 1: Taking Africa’s Energy Agenda to the Next Level
How is Mission 300 taking energy access on the continent to the next level?  Why should companies invest?  Why should governments make policy changes?  And why should more partners get involved?  What would success look like for this Summit?


09:00 – 09:35 / Welcome remarks: From Ideas to Actions to Accelerate Energy Access
High-level speakers will be announced soon.

09:35 – 09:50 / Official opening address
By Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania

All the sessions listed above will be streamed live with interpretation in French—no need to register, the video player will be available as soon as the first session begins. If you are attending in person, please refer to the full agenda here.

Do I need to register? The sessions hosted on this page are public — you do not need to register to watch them. 

What happens if I miss the event? The recording will be available on this page shortly after each session ends. If you sign up for email reminders, you will receive a notification a few days after the event concludes, inviting you to watch the replay and check out newly added resources.

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