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Green Recovery Dialogue: Greening Economies to Enable Transformative Change

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As the global economy rebounded in 2021 and carbon emissions rose to an all-time high, countries are pivoting towards a whole-of-economy approach when it comes to reducing emissions and adapting to climate change. This pivot comes as governments and fiscal institutions are increasingly aware of the risks climate change poses to rebuilding after COVID-19 and achieving broad-based economic growth. Left unaddressed, the impacts of climate change may push as many as 132 million people into poverty by 2030, as well as internally displace up to 216 million people by 2050.

Join us as we explore how a whole-of-economy approach can support a green recovery from COVID-19, create an enabling environment for ambitious climate action, and deliver on the outcomes of the Glasgow Compact from COP26. We will be joined by country representatives who will speak about the opportunities and challenges for implementing this approach to embed climate priorities in macroeconomic and fiscal frameworks. 

This event is part of the Green Recovery Dialogue series, a series of high-level events that seeks to elevate the discussion around how investing in green recovery efforts can accelerate low-carbon, climate resilient development.

See the list of speakers ˅

Use the following timestamps to navigate through the different sections of the video.

00:00 Welcome and opening remarks
05:01 How the World Bank is providing support to developing countries
12:55 Climate change action plan: A whole-of-economy approach
20:15 Why Germany supports the whole-of-economy approach
26:11 Key entry points for using the whole-of-economy approach
33:31 Key macro-fiscal interventions
39:47 Mainstreaming climate in Egypt economic planning
45:15 How governments utilize a whole-of-economy approach
51:20 The role of the international community
53:40 Q&A from the live audience
58:03 Closing remarks

