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Changing the Conversation on Development Finance

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2015 is a landmark year that will define the global development agenda for the next 15 years. By year’s end, the world’s leaders are likely to adopt a new set of global development goals and reach a critical agreement on tackling climate change. Achieving both will require a paradigm shift in how development is financed.

This event will bring together all the key groups who will play a part. Development organizations, governments, the private sector and civil society, will discuss what it will take to finance development in a post-2015 world. The discussion will showcase the latest thinking on domestic resource mobilization, private sector leverage, and development financing mechanisms, solutions and initiatives that go beyond filling financing gaps.

The discussion will also explore how the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund and regional multilateral development banks can use their unique platforms and diversity of finance and knowledge instruments to attract the financing needed to end extreme poverty and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
