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International Corruption Hunters Alliance: Coalitions Against Corruption

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Opening Remarks: Pascale Helene Dubois, Integrity Vice President, World Bank Group

Plenary Session: “Coalitions Against Corruption: Building Trust, Promoting Integrity, Ending Impunity”

More than almost any other global agenda, anti-corruption work is multidisciplinary: it involves sociology, law-enforcement, and economics, to name a few. It requires work on the local, regional and global levels. And no one person or sector can solve the complex problems corruption poses. It is essential for people from different perspectives to work together to deter, discover and sanction crimes of corruption.

This event is designed to explore the ways in which international cooperation – between law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, or international organizations – can further the fight against corruption. On the panel will be leaders of the institutions that are setting global standards, encouraging best practice, and enforcing positive norms in anti-corruption. The audience will be made up of true, on-the-ground corruption-fighters: heads of anti-corruption agencies, investigators and public prosecutors from around the world.
