Tristan Smith

Tristan Smith

Lecturer, University College London, and Co-Author of the Third and Fourth IMO GHG Studies

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Expertise on: Transport

Associate Professor in Energy and Transport at UCL and PI of the Decarbonising UK Freight Network Plus project has, since 2010, grown a substantial group focused on modelling and analysis of shipping’s efficiency and emissions. He was PI of the RCUK funded Shipping in Changing Climates project, led the 3rd IMO GHG Study, is an author in the 4th IMO GHG Study, is lead author of ISO 19030, co-chair of World Bank's CPLC Maritime Thread, and has been involved in numerous projects across the academic, industry and policy domains. The group maintains a number of models including GloTraM, which is used by several multinationals to explore shipping's future scenarios and technology evolution. Along with Dr Simon Davies, he is co-founder of University Maritime Advisory Services (UMAS).

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