Malik  Amin Aslam

Malik Amin Aslam

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Pakistan

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Malik Amin Aslam is currently the Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on Climate Change (Federal Minister) as well as honorarily serving as the elected Global Vice President of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). He has previously chaired the flagship “Green Growth initiative” for the KPK in Pakistan – which included the mass a forestation “Billion Tree Tsunami” project.

From 2002-07 he has served as a Member of Parliament and from 2004-07 as the Minister of State for Environment (Government of Pakistan) and, in this capacity, has been the architect of the country’s National Policies on environment and climate change. During this period Malik Amin Aslam, worked as the Prime Minister’s special envoy for reform of the UN governance system. Malik Amin Aslam has also had the privilege of chairing the G77+China negotiations group and leading Pakistan’s climate change negotiations at various COP meeting since 1999.

He has recently been chosen to serve on the high level “International Advisory Council” for the Eco-Forum Global – the leading environmental think-tank advising the Government of China. Mr. Malik is an electrical engineer with an MBA from McGill University and an MSc from Oxford University where he completed his thesis on the utility of the “emissions trading” concept within the context of managing the Climate Change issue.

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