Ion Gumene

Ion Gumene

State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Moldova

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Expertise on: Economic Policies

Mr. Ion Gumene, State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance. Ion Gumene was appointed State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance on February 02, 2022. Prior to that, Mr. Gumene served as Program Director at the “Expert-Grup” think tank’s department of public policies and public administration reform (2016-2022); consultant in the field of functional analysis at the Dynamic Integrated Processes department of the Chisinau City Hall (2021-early 2022); trainer in strategic planning and public policies at the Academy for Public Administration (2015-2021); expert in strategic planning and public policies, PricewaterhouseCoopers (2019); trainer in local strategic planning, “Institute for Public Policies” think tank (2018); expert in strategic planning, UNDP Moldova (2016-2017); Chief State Advisor to Prime Minister in the field of public administration reform, State Chancellery (2015); Deputy Head of Directorate for Coordination of Policies and External Assistance and Central Public Administration Reform, State Chancellery (2008-2015); et al. Mr. Gumene holds a Master’s degree in Financial and Banking Administration from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations from the same Academy; currently is a Ph.D. student at the Academy of Public Administration.

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