Carlos Márcio Cozendey

Carlos Márcio Cozendey

Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Brazil

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Born in 1963, in Rio de Janeiro, Ambassador Carlos Márcio Cozendey is the Undersecretary-General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of External Relations (Vice-Minister level), and Brazil's G20 Sherpa. He is a career diplomat and has been Secretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Finance, and held the position of Deputy Finance Minister at the G20, BRICS and UNASUR. He was president of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Guarantees Agency (ABGF) and is the Alternate Director of Brazil for the Board of Directors of the New Development Bank (NDB). At Itamaraty, he has been Director of the Economic Department and Head of the Mercosur Division at the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations. Abroad, he has been posted in Geneva (Mission to the International Organizations), Montevideo (Mission to ALADI and MERCOSUR) and Brussels (Mission to the EU). During his mission in Geneva, he was President of the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade and panelist in two Dispute Settlement Cases under the GATT and the WTO. He was the Brazilian representative in a number of cases in the Mercosur Dispute Settlement Mechanism. He has also held the position of Special Advisor to the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Chamber of Foreign Trade (CAMEX). He was a lecturer in Economics at the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy (Rio Branco Institute). He has an Economics degree (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and is Master in International Relations (University of Brasilia).

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