Jasur Karshibaev, Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance for the Republic of Uzbekistan

Jasur Karshibaev

Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Expertise on: Economic Policies

Jasur Karshibaev is the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance for the Republic of Uzbekistan with extensive experience in both domestic and international financial sectors. Prior to becoming the Deputy Minister, he served as a financial sector expert at the International Monetary Fund from October 2022 to August 2023. He previously held key roles within the Central Bank of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He participated in the creation of the Debt Management Office in the Ministry of Economy and Finance and led this office from 2018 to 2022.

With a Ph.D. in economics from the Kyushi University in Japan (2015), alongside his bachelor’s degree from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan), he brings a comprehensive understanding of economic policy and strategy to his current position, driving forward Uzbekistan's economic development goals.

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