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Supporting Countries to Integrate Climate and Development

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The new World Bank Group Climate Change Action Plan is a major push to further integrate climate and development on a number of fronts, particularly through the new Country Climate and Development Reports which will inform engagements with our clients. Join a chat with Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director of Operations, and global climate leaders on how integrating climate and development can boost a country's resilience strategy.

See the list of speakers ˅

00:00 Welcome! COP26: Supporting Countries to Integrate Climate and Development
03:00 Egypt: Country Climate Development Report as a helpful tool
05:11 Egypt's efforts in tackling both climate and economic development
08:18 The role of the private sector in Egypt
09:58 Closing remarks and transition to the second conversation
11:52 Nature-based solutions in Malawi's climate strategy
15:17 Turkey and its longer term goals towards net-zero
17:31 Supporting Malawi’s climate resilience strategy
24:19 Energy transitions in Turkey
26:09 Final remarks on integrating climate and development

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