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Building Human Capital: A Project for the World #InvestInPeople

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Months after World Bank President Jim Kim announced the Human Capital Project, global leaders gathered in Washington to discuss the urgent and critical importance of investing in people to prepare countries for the economy of the future.

In a lively discussion moderated by Ali Velshi of NBC News and MSNBC, Dr. Kim joined Bill Gates, principal founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Gates Foundation; and Penny Mordaunt, the UK’s secretary of state for international development, to make the case for investing in people.

Against the backdrop of rapid technological and labor market changes, the speakers had one overpowering message: investing in people—through education, health, nutrition, social protection and jobs—is the sturdiest way forward.  

From why the world needs a Human Capital Index to link key investments in people to economic growth, to how to finance high-impact investments in people, speakers provided unique perspectives. They concluded that building human capital is indeed a project for the world, one that requires a global team effort from donors, policymakers and citizens alike.
