Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso

Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso

President, Peru

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Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso was born on June 27, 1962 and is married to Nadine Heredia. They have two daughters (Illary and Naira) and one son (Samin). He is the third of seven children born of the union of Isaac Humala and Elena Tasso.

Before enrolling in the Academy of Army Officers (Escuela de Oficiales del Ejército) in 1979, he pursued studies in animal science at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina.

His admiration for national hero Colonel Francisco Bolognesi led him to choose the artillery branch while in the Army.

In 2001, he earned a Master’s Degree in National Defense from the Escuela del Centro de Altos Estudios Nacionales (CAEN) and in 2002, he was awarded a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru.

He served as Military Attaché in France, where he enrolled in a PhD program at the Centro de Altos Estudios para América Latina.

In 2005, he and his wife, Nadine Heredia Alarcón, founded the Peruvian Nationalist Party (Partido Nacionalista Peruano).

In June 2011, he was elected President of Peru and was sworn into office on July 28, 2011.

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