Magdalena Lizardo

Magdalena Lizardo

Director, Economic and Social Analysis Unit, Vice Ministry of Economic Planning and Development Dominican Republic

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Dr. Magdalena Lizardo

Magdalena Lizardo currently serves as Director of the Advisory Unit for Social and Economic Analysis of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic. During the last ten years, she has been actively involved in the reform of the planning and financial administration systems of the Dominican Government, as well as in the government-citizens dialogue and negotiations conducive to the Nacional Development Strategy, the National Pact for Education Reform and the Participatory Initiative against Corruption. She has a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Master in Political Science from the Salamanca University-Funglode Program. Her career has focused on the areas of economic development, international trade, rural development and public finance. She has been Technical Undersecretary of the Presidency as well as economic adviser to the National Planning Office and to the Ministry of Finance. She has done consultancy work for the IDB, World Bank, CEPAL and FAO.

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