Lynn Wu

Lynn Wu

Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

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Lynn Wu is an assistant professor at the Wharton School. She is interested in studying how emerging information technologies, such as artificial intelligence and analytics, affect innovation, business strategy, and productivity. Specifically, her work follows three streams. In the first stream, she examines how data analytics and artificial intelligence affect firm innovation, business strategy, labor demand, and productivity for both large firms and startups. In her second stream, she studies enterprise social media and information derived from online platforms affect individuals’ work performance, career trajectories, and examine new type of biases that arise from using technologies. In her third stream of research, Lynn leverages fine-grained nanodata available through online digital traces to predict economic indicators such as real estate trends, labor trends and product adoption.

Lynn has published articles in economics, management and computer science. Her work has been featured by the Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, New York Times, Forbes, and The Economist.

Lynn received her undergraduate degrees from MIT (Finance and Computer Science), her master’s degree from MIT (Computer Science) and her Ph.D. from MIT Sloan School of Management (Management Science).

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