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Global Forum on Adaptive Social Protection - Opening and Closing Sessions

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The Global Forum on Adaptive Social Protection aims to strengthen alliances among social protection actors with a view to extending social protection to more people around the world.

This event is co-hosted by the World Bank Group and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Simultaneous interpretation is available in French and Spanish.

OPENING | JUNE 13, 2023: 10:00 - 12:00 (CEST)

Towards social protection for all in the face of multiple global crises

The opening session will set the scene, providing an opportunity to take stock of progress and challenges to date and recall the role social protection played at the height of recent crises. Discussions will focus on how social protection can contribute to building resilience in the face of multiple and recurring crises, such as financial shocks or climate change.

The following guiding questions will be addressed in this session:
- Where does the world stand in relation to achieving the goal of providing access to social protection for all by 2030?
- What role does social protection play in enabling countries to cope with the effects of multiple global crises?
- What are the key lessons learned by Global South countries from the expansion of social protection during recent crises and how can they be supported in making this expansion permanent?


06:32 Welcome remarks

27:17 Setting the scene

  • Dr. Stefan Dercon, Professor of Economic Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government and the Economics Department, University of Oxford

1:02:26 Panel discussion  


    More information

    To see the Forum's full programme of event, visit

    CLOSING | JUNE 15: 13:30 - 15:30 (CEST)

    Global partnerships to support national agendas: Joining forces towards social protection for all

    Increased cooperation between multilateral and national actors is urgently needed to drive progress towards the achievement of SDG.1.3*. Global initiatives aim to provide coherent and effective structures at the international level in order to ensure coordinated support for strengthening national social protection systems. Among these, the Digital Convergence Initiative, the Global Accelerator, and the Global Shield stand out. However, there is still some way to go to ensure more effective coordination between international stakeholders and stronger alignment with national agendas.

    This session, which closes the Global Forum, will explore potential solutions to these challenges and will also summarize key discussions and outcomes from the previous sessions.

    Guiding questions:
    - How can global initiatives help accelerate the expansion of social protection and how can these be better linked to social protection systems at country level?
    - What are the standout results from the Global Forum which participants will take forward and integrate into their work?

    *SDG stands for to Sustainable Development Goals. to learn more, visit the dedicated website.


    03:39 Opening remarks

    • Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ

    12:28 Main insights on social protection systems

    38:06 A message from the International Labour Organization

    43:08 Panel discussion 

    • Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ
    • Shazia Marri, Minister of Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety, Pakistan
    • Axel Van Trotsenburg, Senior Managing Director, World Bank
    • El Hadji Ndiogou Diouf, Secretary General, Ministry of Community Development, National Solidarity and Social and Territorial Equity (MDCEST), Senegal

    1:53:36 Closing remarks


    More information

    To see the Forum's full programme of event, visit

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