The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has taken a drastic human toll, and the economic and social impacts of the pandemic are reverberating globally. Watch our live public events to find out what the World Bank Group is doing to help countries respond to the pandemic and meet their development goals. 

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Past Events

Financing Pandemic Preparedness: The Urgency for Collective Action

September 19, 2023--Join us as we bring together leaders in global health and ministers of health and finance, MDBs, UN agencies and global health institutions, and representatives from the private sector and from philanthropies and foundations.

How to Accelerate Student Learning: Lessons From 60 Countries

The COVID-19 pandemic created the worst shock to education on record and led to large learning losses that disproportionately affected children from low-income populations. A new World Bank report takes stock of countries’ efforts to overcome the pandemic’s impacts on students and build more resilient education systems. Learning Recovery to Acceleration: A Global Update on Country Efforts examines what countries are doing to recover and accelerate learning, and how they are doing it, studying over 60 education systems. To celebrate the report’s launch, this World Bank Live event will share some of the report’s major findings, and engage in a live discussion with high-level education leaders on lessons from the past three years and a path forward for improving learning outcomes worldwide. 

Official Launch of The Pandemic Fund at G20

The Pandemic Fund provided the latest progress the Governing Board has made since its establishment on September 8, 2022, to get operational – an important step toward strengthening global health architecture. 

Building Resilient Health Systems in the Shadow of COVID-19

This event will present the main insights from the new World Bank report, “Change Cannot Wait: Building Resilient Health Systems in the Shadow of COVID-19,” which resents a new framework for making health systems resilient, shows how countries can build them, and where countries and partners can target investments to improve health outcomes.

COVID-19 and Rising Inequality

Join World Bank Managing Director Mari Pangestu and a distinguished panel of experts as they discuss the latest findings on inequality from the January 2022 Global Economic Prospects report, and implications for countries and the global community.

Ensuring the Poorest Are Not Left Behind

Join us for a discussion on solutions from the ground—and how IDA, the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries, is driving innovation and outcomes.

Ending the Pandemic: The Road to an Inclusive Recovery

This event highlighted the actions being taken to achieve more equitable access to vaccines for developing countries, and emphasize the importance of strong health systems to successful vaccine deployment and the importance of better pandemic preparedness to building resilience against future pandemics.

Health Financing in the Time of COVID-19

The most recent data from the report, “From Double Shock to Double Recovery – Implications and Options for Health Financing in the Time of COVID-19” will be presented by its lead author. The report’s latest technical update confirms that the pandemic spared few developing countries the double shock of its health and economic onslaught.

Walking the Talk: Reimagining Primary Health Care After COVID-19

Strong primary health care saves lives and money and makes health systems more resilient and work better for all people. The current COVID-19 crisis exacerbated pre-existing weaknesses and inflicted devastating health and economic costs. However, it also created a once-in-a-generation chance for transformational health-system change. Our new report charts an agenda toward reimagined, fit-for-purpose primary health care. It reflects a renewed understanding of global and local vulnerabilities and opportunities in the post-COVID world. It shows how governments can remake their primary health care systems and how partners like the World Bank can support this vital work. During this event, key messages of the flagship report Walking the Talk: Reimagining Primary Health Care After COVID-19 will be presented: the “WHY”, the “WHAT” and the “HOW” of the primary health care reform. There will also be discussions on how to take these key messages forward, supporting countries to build back better and stronger. Perspectives from primary health care providers on the ground, ...

The State of the Africa Region

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital technologies in African countries, and the latest Africa’s Pulse provides new evidence on how digital is enhancing the productivity of existing jobs and creating new jobs, for people of all skill levels and backgrounds. This is particularly important as the region looks toward economic recovery post-pandemic, and many Sub-Saharan African countries are making tremendous investments to advance digital adoption and build skills. Against the backdrop of a COVID-19 induced recession, African countries are weathering the economic storm better than expected and are poised for recovery, but the strength of this recovery depends on the reforms, policies, and investments that countries make now.   Hosted by Georja Calvin-Smith of France 24, join a panel of Africa’s distinguished ministers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the digital space to discuss the future of work in Africa. They will touch on how governments can support digital transformation, discuss the macroeconomic outlook for the region and how ...

COVID-19: Vaccines for Developing Countries

A high-level panel featuring Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization, Henrietta Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF, and Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director, World Bank explores the need for global solidarity in the battle against the pandemic and the work currently underway with developing countries to prepare for vaccine rollouts.

Key Green Transitions for People and Planet

Record-breaking wildfires, droughts, floods and hurricanes have taken lives, damaged homes, hospitals and businesses. Meanwhile, COVID-19 took a heavy health and economic toll and pushed millions into extreme poverty. How can we change course?

Rethinking Debt: Financing the Future Amid Crisis

On April 7th, the World Bank invited several leading experts to explore perspectives on a new global financial architecture for debt. Speakers discussed lessons from past restructuring efforts, the private sector’s role, and the increased need for debt transparency.

Economic Recovery: Toward a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Future

As countries rebuild their economies after COVID-19, it is fundamental that they see this as a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for a green, resilient, and inclusive future. These efforts were the theme of the event kicking off the Spring Meetings on Tuesday, Economic Recovery: Toward a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Future.

Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic of Inequality to Build a Green, Inclusive, & Resilient Recovery

(Read the event transcript in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish) 'We have to help countries improve their readiness for future pandemics.' World Bank Group President David Malpass called on the world to move urgently toward opportunities and solutions that achieve a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in a speech today that advances the World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings. “Our collective responses to poverty, climate change, and inequality will be the defining choices of our age.” Mr. Malpass delivered the speech virtually at the London School of Economics; it was followed by a discussion with students, moderated by Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics.   See the list of Speakers   As we work toward a #ResilientRecovery, our collective responses to poverty, climate change, & inequality will be the defining choices of our age. My thanks to Baroness Shafik & @LSEnews for their hospitality.#LSECOVID19 Read my full remarks here:

Preparing Countries for a Safe and Effective COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

How ready are countries to distribute COVID-19 vaccines? The global COVID-19 vaccination campaign will be the largest in history. The delivery of COVID-19 vaccines presents challenges unprecedented in scale, speed, and specific cities, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Starting in November 2020, anticipating the availability of safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19, the World Bank together with WHO, UNICEF, the Global Fund, and Gavi rolled out readiness assessments in more than 100 low- and middle-income countries. As countries ramp up efforts to vaccinate their populations against the deadly COVID-19 disease, the world’s poorest countries show varying degrees of readiness for this massive undertaking. How can we prepare countries for a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine rollout? We will discuss this and more with Mamta Murthi, Vice President for Human Development at the World Bank. Join us for the live conversation on March 18th. Be sure to sign up for an email reminder! The Resilient Recovery Series includes in-depth interviews with ...

Cities and Equity – Righting the Wronged

COVID-19 has laid bare the long-standing inequities faced by people around the world – especially those with limited access to health care, infrastructure and other essential services. In cities, home to over half of the world’s population, such chasms have been deepened by the pandemic. Although urbanization has been accompanied by lower poverty, job creation and growth, distribution of such urban gains has been uneven, often marked by striking spatial, social and economic inequalities within cities. In reimagining the post-COVID-19 future, policy makers, international agencies, and other non-state actors are all concerned with getting it right. It has become evident that without addressing inequities that have left many behind, it is impossible to build inclusive cities that are livable and prosperous for all. How can we introduce new ways of (re)building cities from an equity perspective, prioritize the poor and vulnerable in decision-making, and enhance overall the resilience of cities? This World Bank Live session engages with a rich ...

How Can We Turn Climate Goals into Climate Action?

How is the pandemic changing our ambitions around a greener future? What does real progress look like on tackling climate change? These are some of the questions we'll be asking Marc Sadler, Practice Manager of the Climate Funds Management unit at the World Bank.  Join us for the live conversation on February 18th. Be sure to sign up for an email reminder! The Resilient Recovery Series includes in-depth interviews with the Bank’s leading experts focused on health, social, and economic responses, as well as policies, institutions, and investments that will be critical to resilient, inclusive, and sustainable recovery. Check out the previous episodes!         View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by World Bank (@worldbank)

Re-Imagining Post-Pandemic Education

What impact has the second wave of COVID-19 had on learning, especially in developing countries? What has been the impact on schooling in Sierra Leone? What opportunities are there to build more inclusive/resilient schooling? In decades to come, will the pandemic mark a major setback or a leap forward for education for the poorest? These are some of the questions we'll ask education experts, Jaime Saavedra, Director of Education at the World Bank, and David Moinina Sengeh, Education Minister, Sierra Leone. 

CSIS Virtual Conversation: Confronting the Economic and Financial Challenges Of COVID-19

The international community and the United States will have to take concrete actions to help lower-income countries manage the economic consequences of the pandemic and provide assistance with debt relief in order to prevent future impediments to development efforts and financial and economic distress.

Supporting Fair and Equal Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine

Join Dr. Muhammad Pate, the Bank’s Global Director of Health and a former Nigerian Minister for Health, and the IFC’s Elena Sterlin as they discuss the challenges ahead. The Resilient Recovery Series includes in-depth interviews with the Bank’s leading experts focused on health, social, and economic responses, as well as policies, institutions, and investments that will be critical to resilient, inclusive, and sustainable recovery. 

Public Healthcare Procurement during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this sessions, speakers will provide an overview of the expedited procurement processes that have been developed to address bottlenecks in the procurement of critical medical equipment, discuss the significant risks associated with looser restrictions and identify “best practices” that developing countries could follow for emergency procurement to mitigate the risk of corruption and ensure transparency. 

Exposure Notification Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forward key issues in the area of privacy policy. As global leaders, institutions and the private sector rely increasingly on personal data to acquire information on individuals and communities in the fight against COVID-19, many concerns remain about how information is collected and used. This session will explore the Google and Apple’s Exposure Notification initiative as well as how contact-tracing technologies have been successfully used in several countries in their response to COVID 19.

Human Capital in the Time of COVID-19

Bringing the focus to gender, Melinda Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, explains how women and girls are disproportionately affected, suffering from “shadow” pandemics and Mirai Chatterjee, Director of Social Security at the Self-Employed Women's Association in India, highlights the need to invest in frontline health workers, particularly women.

Building a Resilient and Inclusive Recovery

Ahead of the World Bank Group-IMF Annual Meetings, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management hosted World Bank Group President David Malpass who discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people and the challenge of building a resilient and inclusive global recovery.

Expert Panel: Informality of COVID-19 in South Asia

Among the world’s developing regions, South Asia has the highest share of informal employment. More than 80 percent of workers in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan are informal. These workers are excluded from labor laws and social protection schemes that apply to organized labor and the specific risks associated with COVID-19 exacerbate their situation. Informal workers are particularly vulnerable to shocks as they tend to have less cash on hand and more limited access to credit. They are also more likely to lose their jobs and face extreme poverty and food insecurity as the pandemic intensifies across the region. This webinar brings together academics, policy advisors, health policy experts, and civil society leaders to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on South Asia’s most vulnerable people.

Productivity Growth After the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the global economy into its deepest recession since the Second World War. The pandemic is likely to leave lasting scars ranging from lower investment to the erosion of human capital. Ultimately, this may lower productivity and limit income growth. Conversely, the pandemic also raises the possibility of large structural changes to the global economy, some of which may be productivity-enhancing. How will longer-term growth prospects in emerging markets be affected? What policies should be enacted to limit the damage from COVID-19? At this event, esteemed experts in economics will discuss these questions in light of a new World Bank Group report, Global Productivity: Trends, Drivers, and Policies. Panelists will consider many possible outcomes for emerging market economies and discuss how they can boost productivity by taking advantage of structural economic changes.  

How Can Regional Cooperation Support South Asia’s COVID-19 recovery?

Registration not required. Visit this page when the event goes live. Regional integration, cooperation, and engagement can produce significant gains across South Asia. Intra-regional trade, for instance, stands at only a third of its potential with an estimated gap of $23 billion. Cooperation in energy between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal could lead to savings of $17 billion. Transporting goods across the region can cost up to 50 percent more than within the OECD countries. As South Asia grapples with the economic impact of COVID-19, it has an opportunity to strengthen regional institutions, improve regional infrastructure and connectivity, advance trade policy, and develop cross-border solutions to shared problems The One South Asia webinar series is part of the World Bank’s updated regional integration, cooperation, and engagement strategy for South Asia that focuses on enabling economic connectivity, reducing vulnerabilities, and investing in human capital. We invite you to send questions to panelists by email: Join the conversation online with #OneSouthAsia  

Data for Development and COVID-19

The data landscape has been changing rapidly, with the explosion of data from private sources, such as mobile phones, electronic transactions and satellites. These new data could be used to complement traditional public data to improve the delivery of services to people most in need. Public data, collected by national statistical offices, form the foundation for how countries decide where to allocate their resources. But the coronavirus pandemic has drastically disrupted and hampered data collection efforts around the world – especially in developing countries. Join us as we discuss this issue with Haishan Fu, Director of the Development Data Group at the World Bank.  The Resilient Recovery Series includes in-depth interviews with the Bank’s leading experts focused on health, social, and economic responses, as well as policies, institutions, and investments that will be critical to resilient, inclusive, and sustainable recovery. Check out the previous episodes!

Coronavirus Live Series: Tackling the Pandemic in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

How can we help the weakest countries and those affected by violence and conflict respond to the #Coronavirus pandemic? Economic growth, stronger institutions and social cohesion will be vital in helping the weakest regions recover from #Coronavirus. Join our Senior Director Franck Bousquet as he discusses the challenges. 

Beyond Now: Protecting People through Innovation and Good Policy in the COVID Era

In this 90-minute session, government leaders, NGO partners, and innovators will deliver a series of stimulating talks. Drawing on their unique experiences, they will showcase examples of policy actions and both public and private sector-led responses—across education, health, food security, digital connectivity, and social protection. World Bank Managing Director, Mari Pangestu will kick off this event and share key findings from the recently published report, Protecting People and Economies: Integrated Policy Responses to COVID-19. Related links: Report: Protecting People and Economies: Integrated Policy Responses to COVID-19 Website: Human Capital Project

Coronavirus Live Series: Bridging the Digital Divide

The internet has been vital in connecting us to friends, family, work and school during #COVID19, but the poorest countries and people are being left behind. What can we do to support digital inclusion? Our @BoutheinaGuerm1, Director of Digital Development, shares some ideas. 

Implications of COVID-19 in South Asia

The COVID-19 crisis has triggered an economic fallout that will drive millions into poverty and worsen inequality. Amid the mounting human and economic toll, South Asian countries have ramped action to curb the health emergency, protect their people, and set the stage for recovery. Bringing together different actors of society, including academics, policy advisors, finance experts, and civil society leaders, this event will discuss COVID-19 impacts on South Asian economies and people, the pandemic’s effect on the stability of the financial sector, trade, and remittances, and opportunities for greater regional cooperation.     Schedule *Each presentation will last 15 minutes followed by a 10-minute discussion 7:00 – 7:10 AM (EST): Opening remarks – Hartwig Schafer, Vice President for the South Asia Region, World Bank 7:10 – 7:35 AM (EST): Hans Timmer, Chief Economist for the South Asia Region, World Bank: Economic impact of COVID-19 on South Asia: a glance into the South Asia Economic Focus 7:35 – 8:00 AM (EST): Dr. Hossain Zillur Rahman, Chairperson, BRAC: The impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods ...

Coronavirus Live Series: How can we Reduce the Risk of Corruption during the Pandemic Response?

The pandemic has exposed the benefits of a stronger, flexible, and more responsive civil service which can incorporate risk management and has access to contingencies in an emergency. It has also stressed the need for sound procurement policies, systems and processes. Helping countries procure lifesaving goods and services on an emergency basis is critical to blunt the impact of COVID-19.  Emerging lessons from the immediate response to the pandemic point to the need to adapt models of government operations, service delivery, and interactions with citizens, which include GovTech options for modernization of services to citizens and businesses. Join us LIVE as we discuss these issues with Edward Olowo-Okere, Global Director for Governance at the World Bank.  Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): World Bank Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 World Bank Response page Governments and Institutions COVID-19 Response Resources World Bank Topic Page: Governance

Coronavirus Live Series: Interview with World Bank Group President David Malpass

Over the past three months, the World Bank Group has mounted the fastest crisis response in its history. We are now financing emergency operations in over 100 countries – home to 70% of the global population.    Join David Malpass, President of the World Bank Group as he discusses the path ahead for developing countries. What will a robust and resilient recovery look like? How can we promote economic growth, support the poorest, and sustain businesses and jobs ? 

Bridging the Digital Gender Divide in Time of Social Distancing

The World Bank, in partnership with CES — the world’s largest and most influential technology event — is organizing a virtual event to highlight solutions to bridge the digital gender divide as part of the Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women. The World Bank and CES have recently joined forces and call on the tech community to help bridge the digital gender divide through a Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women.  Addressing the gender digital divide is crucial to ensuring sustainability of women’s livelihood. This is particularly the case during crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic when connectivity is key. At times like this, we need to emphasize the importance of digital access for women. We will bring around this “virtual” table inspiring tech entrepreneurs from around the world –including judges and ambassadors for the challenge-- who will discuss what will it take to bridge the digital gender divide.

Coronavirus Live Series: How Can we Ensure a Sustainable Recovery?

Across the World Bank Group, efforts are underway to help governments respond to the crisis triggered by COVID-19. The priority today is to support overwhelmed health systems and the millions of workers and business owners who are being hit hard. Thinking ahead, however, the response also offers a significant opportunity to build a more resilient and sustainable future.  Join us as we discuss this issue with Bernice Van Bronkhorst, the World Bank's Global Director for Climate Change. 

Hiring During the Time of COVID-19

The #COVID19 crisis is having a devastating impact on people and communities around the world. A huge priority for the World Bank Group is to keep our staff safe in over 170 countries, while also continuing to hire new talent to support our critical programs. Join us to find out what the World Bank Group is doing to ensure that all staff and their families are safe. Learn more about our ongoing recruitment efforts and how our employees are making a difference in the fight against COVID-19. Join us on May 18, 11am EST.

Coronavirus Live Series: The Impact of the Pandemic on Women and Girls

Evidence from outbreaks similar to COVID-19 indicates that women and girls can be affected in particular ways, and in some areas, face more negative impacts than men. In fact, there is a risk that gender gaps could widen during and after the pandemic and that gains in women’s and girls’ accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment and voice and agency, built over the past decades, could be reversed.  The World Bank Group is working to ensure that projects responding to COVID-19 consider the pandemic's different impacts on men and women. Join us as we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls with Caren Grown, Senior Director for Gender at the World Bank. 

Conflict and the Pandemic: Tackling COVID-19 in Fragile Settings

Visit the USIP event site to register. COVID-19 has overwhelmed some of the world’s most robust healthcare systems and imperiled its richest economies. For countries experiencing fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), COVID-19 adds even greater stress, threatening to reverse decades of advancements in poverty reduction and development. In these settings, the fallout from the pandemic may strain the social fabric in ways that deepen fragility and exacerbate protracted crises—with potentially devastating impacts on the health and livelihoods of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Join United States Institute of Peace and the World Bank Group as we examine international efforts to respond to the first- and second-order impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile states. Panelists will draw lessons from other recent outbreaks to consider what works in tackling pandemics on the ground in FCV settings, as well as how actors can work together to ensure responses to the COVID-19 crisis do not exacerbate existing drivers of fragility. ...

Coronavirus Live Series: A Shock Like No Other: The Impact of the Pandemic on Commodities

Why and how are developing countries particularly vulnerable to volatility in commodity prices? Our Cornonavirus Live Series continues as we interview John Baffes, Senior Economist at the World Bank, about the effect of the coronavirus on commodities. We'll be covering a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, food and oil prices, and industrial commodities such as metals. Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page  

Supporting Companies and Preserving Jobs through the Pandemic

The economic impact of #COVID19 will hit developing countries hard. What can be done to support companies and preserve jobs? Join IFC's Chief Operating Officer, Stephanie von Friedeburg, for discussion on the topic.  Ask questions now! The event will also stream on the World Bank's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page

What is the Impact of the Crisis on Global Food Security?

What can we do to help the poorest and most vulnerable access the food they need during coronavirus pandemic? Juergen Voegele, Vice President for Sustainable Development at the World Bank, has some ideas. Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page

How Can we Strengthen Global Healthcare to Handle the Pandemic? 

The World Bank Group is helping developing countries strengthen their response to the pandemic with up to $160 billion in financial support over the next 15 months. What are the challenges on the ground and how are we working with partners to improve health services and speed the path to recovery? Join us live on Friday 10th April at 10am (EST) (14:00 GMT) to hear from a panel of global experts on how the Bank is helping countries in every region respond to #Coronavirus. Ask questions to the panelists now! The event will also stream on the Bank's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page Expert Answers interview with Muhammad Pate

World Bank Group Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

We went live with Muhammad Ali Pate, Global Director for Health, Nutrition and Population at the World Bank, discussing the Bank's operational response to the COVID-19 outbreak. #COVID19 Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page

How Do We Educate Children During a Crisis?

#Coronavirus has had a devastating impact on #education. Around 80% of the world’s students are now out of school. Watch a discussion of some of the possible solutions with Jaime Saavedra, Global Director of Education, World Bank. Related Links: Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Live Interview and Panel Series COVID-19 landing page

The World Bank Group and the IMF COVID-19 (coronavirus) Response

Join us for the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) COVID-19 (coronavirus) response. World Bank Group President David Malpass and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva will hold a press conference to address the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 virus. 

A conversation with Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Dr. Christopher Elias

This is a Facebook Live interview. Watch the replay! Tune in for a conversation about getting to Universal Health Coverage with WHO Director-General ​Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Dr. Christopher Elias, President, Global Development Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

About World Bank Live

Since 2011, the World Bank Live platform has been a hub for high-level conversations on international development. Hosting over 650 events in English, with more than 200 also available in French, Spanish, and/or Arabic, it serves as a gateway to both upcoming and past events. The platform aims to help spark innovative ideas and translate them into actionable solutions, with a focus on ending poverty and boosting prosperity on a livable planet. Each event delves into critical economic issues aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with topics ranging from healthcare and pandemic preparedness to climate action and building sustainable communities. Read more >