Yamide Dagnet is a Senior Associate with WRI’s Collective Climate Action Objective. She leads the Blueprint 2015 project, which aims to incrementally build an enabling environment that can secure, by 2015, the level of action by countries required to meet the 1.5 or 2 degree goal and achieve a sustainable low-carbon economy. This action would be captured in an equitable binding agreement in 2015 holding parties accountable for their actions through a robust MRV regime. Achieving this goal will require work within the UNFCCC identify and leverage initiatives outside UNFCCC, and harness the outcome and output of a number of other projects within the Climate & Energy program and more broadly within WRI.
Yamide brings 10 years of experience working for the UK and French governments in safeguarding environmental assets, negotiating an enhanced UNFCCC measurement, reporting and verification framework underpinning climate policies, reviewing/auditing countries’ national reports and coordinating the UK scientific responses for the IPCC 4th Assessment report.
She has recently joined us from the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change where she was a dynamic UNFCCC negotiator on MRV for the UK. Prior to this, she managed the UK greenhouse Gas inventory, was the UK Deputy Focal Point for the IPCC, France Focal point for the EU neighborhood policy and twinning program and UK representative for European standardization process for chemicals in contact with drinking water.
Yamide holds a Master in Engineering from the University of Technology of Compiegne (France), with a minor in European studies and specialization in environment, security and quality insurance. In addition to English, she speaks French, Spanish, Portuguese and Creole.