Maria Victoria Angulo is a Colombian Social Economist graduated from Universidad de Los Andes (Bogota), she holds a Master´s Degree in Development Economics from the same university, and also a Master´s Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis from Pompeau Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain). She counts with more than 20 years of work experience on educational policy making and managing. She has worked for around 15 years in several Colombian governmental entities, in which are encounter: The National Planning Department, the Ministry of Development, the Distrital Secretariat of Treasury and the Ministry of Education. In the Ministry of Education, Maria Victoria served as Director and Deputy Director for the Promotion of Higher Education. Additionally, she worked as Executive Director of the Foundation Entrepreneurs for Education (original in Spanish Fundación Empresarios por la Educación), and afterwards, she was assigned as Secretariat of Education of Bogota.
For Maria Victoria, those experiences have transformed her on a personal and professional level. Through them, she has been able to meet closely her country and its needs; she has learned widely about the different categories and stages of education, within different points of view: government, teachers, university headteachers, private sector foundations, and civil society organizations. Which all together contribute to place education as a main point in the public agenda.
Maria Victoria´s devotion is to identify and link people´s dreams, projects and resources that could build together quality education policies. The Ministry Maria Victoria believes that is the education the path to reintegrate, to walk forward equity and to a better country for everyone.