Marc Vanheukelen
Ambassador at Large for Climate Diplomacy, European Union's External Action Service
Featured on: November 11, 2022
Featured on: November 11, 2022
Marc Vanheukelen is “hors classe” adviser and ambassador at large for climate diplomacy at the European Union's External Action Service. From 2015 to 2019 he was the EU ambassador to the World Trade Organisation in Geneva.
Previously, Mr. Vanheukelen was most recently Director in DG TRADE (European Commission) responsible for sustainable development, economic partnership agreements, and, agrifood and fisheries, preceded by his role as Head of Cabinet for (former) EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht. Mr. Vanheukelen has had a long-standing career in various departments of the European Commission (external relations, budgetary matters, environment, and, economic and financial affairs), and has also served as Head of Cabinet to the former Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs and as Cabinet member for the EU Commissioner in charge of Regional Policy.
Mr. Vanheukelen holds history and economics degrees from the University of Leuven, and did his Ph.D. studies in international economics at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva. He has taught and lectured widely on issues relating to international trade, economics and EU affairs. Mr. Vanheukelen is married and the father of three adult sons. His hobbies include walking, swimming, classical music and playing the guitar.
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