Maria Luisa Dominguez, European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM)

María Luisa Domínguez

President, European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM)

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María Luisa Domínguez has been Chairwoman of ADIF since 2021. Before becoming Chairwoman of the company, she was general director for Strategic Planning and Projects, responsible for the company's strategy, the functional planning of the network and the design of infrastructure and architecture projects. During her 25 years of career at Adif, María Luisa has been involved in most of the preliminary studies and the civil works designs of the Spanish High Speed network. She holds a master’s degree in Civil Engineering (UPM), a degree in Law (UNED) and a master's degree in International Strategic Management (UPM). She is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the Public Works Magazine of the Official College of Civil Engineers and teaches on various university master's degrees and courses (UPM and European University of Madrid). Read more