HawaH is an yoga instructor, artist, author, educator, and non-profit leader. He tours internationally facilitating interactive workshops, retreats, performing poetry, and teaching yoga. Hawah has been teaching yoga for 17 years and has studied in various traditions including Sivananda, Iyengar, Jivamukti, and Ashtanga. In addition to his teaching, Hawah has authored 4 books, produced 3 documentary films and 2 musical CDs; he is the creator/ editor of “The Poetry of Yoga” book anthology and producer of the award-winning documentary "Fly By Light." In the year 2000, he co-founded the non-profit One Common Unity, an organization that supports a movement for peace education and the building of a non-violent culture through music and art. Today he continues to serve as their Executive Director. Hawah has been regularly featured as a speaker, performer and workshop presenter for People to People International, the Congressional Youth Leadership Council and the Children's Defense Fund's Freedom Schools. He has made appearances on XM National Satellite Radio, BBC, Fox News, CNN, Al Jazerra, and the Pacifica Radio Network. He has also been a guest speaker at Yale University, George Washington University, U.C.L.A., University of Colorado, Rollins College, University of Maryland, Georgetown University, and Brown University. In his spare time he enjoys: finding new foods to mix with chocolate, climbing trees and buildings, doing handstands on furniture, hiking through mountains with flip flops, body surfing ocean waves, making animal sounds and bird calls, enjoying a glass of wine at high altitude, lighting candles in dark rooms and traveling. Learn more: www.Hawah.Us and www.OneCommonUnity.org