Dr Agnes Soucat is the Director, Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing in the Cluster on Health Systems and Services at the World Health Organization (WHO). Before joining WHO, she was the Global Lead: Health, Nutrition and Population for the World Bank and part of the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health, where she was involved in creating Global Health 2035. Dr Soucat previously held the position of Director for Human Development for the African Development Bank, where she was responsible for health, education and social protection for 53 African countries. She has worked for the World Bank in various capacities, including as Lead Economist and Advisor for Human Development for Africa; she additionally worked for UNAIDS, UNICEF and the European Commission. Dr Soucat has many publications to her name, notably as co-author of the World Development Report 2004 ‘Making Services Work for Poor People’. A French national, Dr Soucat holds an MD and Masters in Nutrition from the University of Nance, and a Master of Public Health and PhD in Health Economics from Johns Hopkins University