Marinke van Riet

Marinke van Riet

International Director, Publish What You Pay

Featured on: October 08, 2014

Marinke van Riet joined the civil society coalition Publish What You Pay (PWYP) in August 2011 to take up the post of International Director. Since then she has led a strategic review process leading to the adoption of Vision 20/20 and a citizens-led value chain, called Chain for Change. In 2013, she joined the International Board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Prior to joining PWYP, Ms. Van Riet worked at Marie Stopes International in Madagascar and Ghana as well as in numerous other African countries working for a microfinance institution and for a network focusing on pro-poor transport policies and practices. Her interest in natural resource governance stems from these cumulative experiences in Africa as in her view, these countries wouldn’t be poor if they managed their natural wealth reasonably and equitably.

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